Chancellor’s Scholars Notification

Does anyone know when decisions come out?

I don’t know, but I think prior year threads showed around March 9th. Fingers crossed!

We are thinking around the 6th, assuming they will mail out on Monday, guess it depends where you live? Someone told us you get a FedEx package if you did get it. Not sure what you get if you don’t?

Has anyone heard back about Chancellor’s Scholars?

We were hoping to hear today, based on last year’s notification dates, but nothing yet. Hopefully tomorrow. DD is on pins and needles waiting to find out.

We were also hoping for today, but we haven’t heard anything either. I guess it makes us feel a little better to know that others haven’t heard. Fingers crossed for tomorrow! Good luck everyone!

Nothing here either. From previous posts, it sounds like this week and it would be Fedex overnight.

According to the FedEx website overnight means delivery to most residential by 8 pm. So there is still time today!

Super nervous ?

Any news, anyone?

Nothing received here. Does anyone know if the notification day has been the same day each of the last couple of years?

It seems on Wednesday of this week the last 2 years

I told my DD to email her counselor to ask when notifications are going out.

Has anyone gotten anything? I emailed my counselor but no reply yet

Nothing from Houston.

Nothing in the Rocky Mtn time zone. But my daughter did say that they told her at the interview that it would be mid March when they would release decisions. Maybe they are changing it up this year.

I hope so. Nothing in Austin as of this evening.

@sdjmom any news?

No reply from my counselor and nothing came in :frowning:

We live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, just about an hour away from TCU… My son received a folder via FedEx this afternoon. It was an award for the scholarship! I hope to read you or your kids received it soon!!!