scholarship notification

<p>hey guys! i got my acceptance tcu letter. I got the deans scholarhsip 17k a year and i looked on for it… is the chancellors interview thing legit?? That is on my as well…</p>

<p>Just curious how far into the admissions process you are with regards to scholarships …our financial aid piece shows “no information recevied” yet there was an invitation to the Chancellor’s weekend. My son has been accepted but we havent sent in any paper work yet. Only got the notice from Vandy that he didnt get in yesterday so we are a little behind the curve</p>

<p>is anyone else a little concerned that all our children have received invites on the site about the chancellors scholarship. one even got the invite without hearing about a deans scholarship. i’m starting to wonder if this is a computer error. YIKES! has anyone received an actual letter?</p>

<p>We have four students in Granbury that were accepted. My son was the only one that received any scholarship or invite to chancellor’s weekend. We went ahead and confirmed we would be there. It sent us an email and conformation. So I’m not sure whats going on. Has anyone else tried to accept the invitation?</p>

<p>My daughter did not receive an email. Her Deans scholarship showed up under financial aid and on the financial aid page she could click on admissions and the Chancellors weekend invite is there with both my husband and I listed. But, because there was no email directly to her I thinking now this may be a computer error. Bummer.</p>

Did you accept the invite? After we did that it sent us an email. We did not get an email before that.</p>

<p>Oh my gosh no! I’ll have her do that when she gets home. ha! I was really worried this was some sad mistake. It looks like a great weekend and an awesome opportunity.
Thanks so much for the help!</p>

<p>I hope this is legit! What a horrible mistake if not. There seems to be about 5 or 6 of us that have received this on here. Have you heard of anyone else that your daughter knows that has received anything?</p>

<p>No and she is afraid to ask to her friends. She doesn’t want to make anyone feel bad if they didn’t. They may be thinking the same thing. Ha!</p>

<p>Ha! That’s true! Like I said the others here don’t have this info on theirs. Which makes me feel a little better. Not that they didn’t get it :frowning: but just that maybe this is legit. I don’t know what to think. I can’t imagine the disappointment my son will have if its not true! :frowning: . I mean why would it have all our info at bottom? Now I’m freaking out!!</p>

<p>I haven’t recieved any emails from TCU regarding my acceptance, financial aid, etc. I have been relying on the mytcu. I was invited to the Chancellor’s Scholars Weekend as well :)!!! But I will be studying abroad… does anyone know if I could still qualify? My studying abroad directly related to my minor (German), and I am so upset at the idea this could hurt my chances of affording college :(</p>

I’m sorry I’m not sure on any of this. We didn’t not receive any emails from TCU until today . They don’t normally notify you by email. Only mail. Did you receive any scholarship info on your “my tcu”?
I think they will do a Skype interview with you if you are not able to attend!
I hope this helps!</p>

I also saw you posted on the SMU thread. We received acceptance letter and scholarship from them today in mail. So those went out recently.</p>

<p>Well hopefully no computer glitch! I am wondering if those that received the Deans Scholarship are the ones invited?</p>

<p>So does anyone know how many people got invited to the Chancellor’s Weekend and how many will actually get the scholarships? I’m trying to determine the “acceptance rate” within the Chancellor’s pool, so to speak.</p>

<p>Annafc: It looks like 80 - 100 were invited last year. I think students were initially offered the Deans Scholarship. I think we at least know 6 - 7 students here on this thread that are going. :slight_smile: We have an OV to TCU with a coach in January so we are hoping to combine the visit, but if not, it looks as though we will be there in Jan. & Feb. It does seem odd that the invites were on the TCU accounts and a little tricky to find. As a parent, I would like to know ASAP about making travel arrangements, so it makes sense that they would start invites this soon, but I think it would be a little more reassuring to have the invitation in our hands. Has anybody else found out any information? :confused:</p>

<p>Based on what I have read on the TCU website regarding the Chancellor’s Scholarship, I think (and it is only my opinion and I hope I am wrong) that the link on people’s MyTCU page has been put there so it’s ready for those who are notified they are finalists in January. The TCU website says “Chancellor’s Scholars Weekend 2013 will be February 7-9. Finalists of the scholarship will receive notification pertaining to the interview weekend in early January.”
I do think those already notified about the Dean’s Scholarship would be among those considered for the Chancellor’s Scholarship interviews. It all looks very competitive to me! Here is what the TCU website says “approximately the top two percent of the most talented, accomplished applicants will be invited to participate in on-campus interviews at the Chancellor’s Scholars Weekend in February.”
The website goes on to explain the academic profile of Chancellor’s Scholars: “SAT scores range from 2130-2230 with an average of 2170. ACT scores range from 32-34 with an average of 33. Recipients also will rank in the top two percent of their graduating classes and virtually exhaust their high school curriculum.”
My son’s academic profile does not fit into those parameters and the link with Chancellor’s Scholars Weekend was on his page and it listed both parents names as people who also might attend. I think it was all computer-generated as the Experience TCU link also had our names already listed there.
For those wondering about numbers, it also said for the 2012-13 academic year, there are 107 returning Scholars and 47 new freshmen Scholars.
Good luck to everyone, and only time will tell the real story!!</p>

<p>That is good info to know! Our D academic profile falls well into that category. And yes you are right time will tell. It will be much more reassuring when official invites are in hand and not as a link on the site. Did your link also ask about the days your S could attend and if you needed housing? Maybe it is just a questionnaire that in case your kid is selected they have all the information ahead of time ? Well anyways, it is confusing. I will probably have D contact the coach to see if they have any insight so we can at least coordinate visits. :D</p>

<p>Has anyone else’s TCU portal changed to say that they can register for the Chancellor’s Scholars Interviews. It is under the admissions tab. Please let me know if y’all have found out yet. Thank you!
p.s. i haven’t gotten notification for any other scholarships yet</p>

<p>Crittermom, yes, the link asked about what days my S could attend and if he needed housing? So the email your daughter received, was that before or after you responded about attending the weekend events? That’s great about your D’s profile fitting the parameters! I don’t think you have anything to worry about!! I’m sure you’ll get a snail mail invite at least in January. Of course, I know you have much to coordinate being out of state and other visit!</p>