scholarship notification

<p>Yes the e-mail came after we registered. It went to me, my husband and my daughter. It was an email confirming details and what to tell her school, etc… Did you get the same one?</p>

<p>We also got the email after we replied to invite.
My son does not meet all criteria. 2 out of the 3.
But close. He is valedictorian in his class with
with a GPA of 4.9 and lots of EC’s and community service. I heard that
they were revamping the Chancellor’s award this
year to not just make grades important but that they
wanted well- rounded kids. So I’m not sure.
My son did receive the Dean’s . Guess we should call tomorrow.</p>

<p>Crittermom, no we did not receive an email, nor did we try to actually register for the Chancellor’s Weekend events. For us, I really did not believe it was for real. I think it is really odd they would make that letter and event registration available to people who may not be qualified, unless they are changing how they do choose people for that scholarship! My S has incredible ECs, just not the scores they outlined. I bet all of the inquiries they receive will make them think twice of how to handle it in future! I bet you and anxiousparents are just fine!!</p>

<p>I just received my scholarship notification in the mail. I’ve been awarded the Deans but I didn’t read the rest of the letter until today, and I’ve been selected to interview for the Chancellor’s Scholarship. Yaaaaaay!! Lesson learned: read the fine print!</p>

<p>We have not received anything in the mail, but it is Sunday and it seems all of our mail has been slow. Guess that is why they call it snail mail. :slight_smile: I spoke with another mom who’s daughter is a Chancellor and the rumor was that if you received the Dean’s Scholarship ($17,000 ) you are a candidate for the Chancellor’s. It will be interesting to see what they say when they get alot of calls! :D</p>

<p>I see the link to the Chancellor’s weekend events is now gone from my S’s page so perhaps they fixed the computer glitch and have it only on the people who are supposed to get it.</p>

<p>Yes it is off my son’s too. He still has Dean’s on there though. Guess I should call.</p>

<p>I just got off the phone with TCU and they confirmed it was a computer glitch where that page was accessible to everyone. The lady also let me know that the real notifications will come through the mail (didn’t specify when) and then the My TCU accounts will be correct after those are sent out.</p>

<p>I noticed it off my D’s account also. We didn’t have a chance to call the coach today. There was a message on her TCU account that said. Chancellor Scholarship invites will be sent in the US Postal mail.</p>

<p>Got scholarship letter today… d got Dean,s scholarship
…how much is chancellor…</p>

<p>My daughter did get Dean’s but there was no invite to Chancellor’s weekend…don’t think D would meet criteria of Chancellor…anyway…
How much more s Chancellor…Dean’s is 17k/year.</p>

<p>Calmomofthree: Chancellor’s scholarship invites will go out the first week of January. Some of us have been notified from the Chancellor’s office already. :slight_smile:
Good luck to your D. It sounds like an exciting weekend.</p>

<p>@crittermom…how much more $$ is Chancellor’s scholarship than Dean’s scholarship? I am happy about Dean’s …still have not decided where to go though…still thinking about TCU vs Tulane vs. Alabama Honors…net cost for all close to the same…any advise?</p>

<p>Calmom: TCU Chancellors covers the full tuition and fees. I do non believe it covers the room or board. I don’t know much about Tulane or Alabama. Sorry. Anyone else??
TCU is my D’s #1 choice because she hopes to be recruited as an athlete there and she loves the school.</p>

<p>did your child apply early action or just the scholarship deadline?</p>

<p>EA for us. :)</p>

<p>a found out that the invites for the C weekend were sent out with the letters for the Dean’s Scholarship……D just received the letter yesterday. Anyone else get the invite? Wondering how many were invited this year?</p>

<p>I got the Chancellor’s invite two weeks ago in early December…I guess there are two rounds of invites? Excited!</p>

<p>Churchpianist15: Congratulations! Are you a music major?</p>

<p>So if you have received the letter for the Dean’s but haven’t heard about the Chancellor’s, does that mean we are out of luck for the Chancellor’s???</p>