
Hey everyone! So I already got a letter saying scholarships for test scores from the University. I know there is a separate scholarship application and I finished that and I was wondering the chances of getting one of those or if there are any more I can get. I’m coming from oos so I need all the money I can get. I’m majoring in Hospitality! Thanks!!

Unless something has changed there was not a separate scholarship application 2 years ago (and I do not think it has changed). You can look at your SAT/ACT scores and grades and see how much you will automatically get.

There has always been a separate scholarship app.

For the auto scholarships, it’s really not needed, but it is for the others.

Depending on your major, there MAY be additional scholarships available through various departments (you would have to enquire with your department/college), but if you are already getting a large (i.e., Presidential) scholarship, it is very unlikely you will receive additional monies through the general scholarship application you just filled out. You can (and should) re-apply every year, and many students fail to do this. (Emails are sent to remind you.) The automatic scholarships continue of course without reapplying (if you meet their requirements), but you can apply for additional, smaller scholarships every year, and these are like $500.

Your best bet for receiving additional monies lies with applying for ‘outside’ scholarships (not associated with UA). There are many search engines that you can use. The worthwhile scholarships are the ones that require a great deal of time (essays, letters of rec, resumes, and applications). In other words, avoid the ‘lottery’ scholarships that require no effort - those are useless. If you are high stat and highly involved in activities and can write and sell yourself well, this increases your chances. Remember that worthwhile scholarships don’t just stop your 1st year of college. Continue to apply throughout college. Good luck!