
So when I applied to IU, I was automatically considered for merit based scholarships. Does University of Wisconsin do this too, or do you need to apply for anything you might receive?

It depends. Are you a Wisconsin resident or not? Were you accepted to Letters and Science?

Hello @Madison85 do International transfers who are accepted qualify for any significant scholarships from UW Madison? I have a 4.0 and 1650 Old sat and a ton of extra curriculars. I am thinking of applying to it in the spring 2018 semester. Please let me know, thank you

I have never heard of any significant scholarships (Or ANY scholarships) for international transfer students at UW-Madison.

Yes, I was accepted to L & S, but I’m OOS

Nonresidents are automatically considered for L&S scholarships without completing an additional application.


What are your stats or special qualifications?

When would we find out if we received any L&S scholarships for out of state?

My guess is late April but I don’t know.

@mad4madtown, @Madison85 - I called and was told April.