Scholastic Art and Writing Awards 2009

<p>I don't think there is a thread out here yet about the Scholastic Contest this year, so I thought I might as well start one. So, just like previous years, what is everyone planning on entering?</p>

<p>Me! Personal Essay/Memoir, Poetry, Dramatic Script, Short Short Story</p>

<p>So excited!</p>

<p>i probably wont submit all of them, but my potential choices are- video works and film, photos, and a film script…</p>

<p>btw, has anyone ever won a national award for film? that feat has eluded me for a very long time despite other forms of equally important recognition…</p>

<p>I thought there were national awards in each category? I may be mistaken, so don’t take my word for it.</p>

<p>Personally, I plan to enter a collection of poetry.</p>


<p>Seriously, I love writing and wish I would have found out about this a long time ago. :frowning: Time to rush to create stuff…</p>

<p>I won a National Silver in Personal Essay/Memoir last year. This year I’m applying for portfolio.</p>

<p>Is this a very prestigious award? Do colleges care?</p>

<p>If I got one on a National level, does that make any difference whatsoever or is it the same as if I didn’t have one…
I don’t understand how much AWARDS help in admission.</p>

<p>I definently think its a pretty big award. A friend of a friend won several scholastics awards and was accepted to Stanford. Although I’m not quite certain about her other EC’s, this is a great way to demonstrate your ability and interest in writing/art. </p>

<p>Btw, anybody know precisely how selective these guys are?</p>

<p>I think I’ll be submitting a short story, a short short story, a science-fiction, and maybe poetry.</p>

<p>It’s a pretty big deal, 100,000+ kids usually enter and maybe 1,000 get any kind of national award.</p>

<p>are the gold “key” awards regional?</p>

<p>i want to join this competition too~~~but i have a question.can i choose both poetry and personal essay???</p>

<p>It’s definitely an impressive award to colleges! But that’s not why you should be entering, obviously. </p>

<p>I’m thinking poetry, short story, short short story, humor and maybe (maybe!) a script.</p>

<p>I completely agree with goldenratio. I didn’t find about this til this summer. Dammit, that woulda looked great on a college app haha.</p>

<p>Tentative plans: short story, short-short story, poetry, possibly a personal essay, and a portfolio.</p>


<p>If I feel like it, I’ll create a humor masterpiece like a couple days before it’s due.</p>

<p>I suck at writing so meh, I don’t think I’m going to get far (need to be baller at both humor and writing, I only have the former).</p>

<p>@ powerbomb: Gold Keys are regional, and Gold/Silver/American Voices awards are national.</p>

<p>I remember getting a gold “key” in 8th grade for art… I didn’t think much of it back then. Maybe I should enter this year for writing again since I gave up on art…</p>

<p>when is the deadline to submite my story ? (new york)</p>

<p>yipyip: it would be january 13 if you live in NYC and january 9 if you don’t.</p>

<p>Wow this seems so cool. :smiley: I wish I had heard of it earlier!</p>

<p>Tentetive choices: Personal Memoir, Short Story, Short Short Story, and Poetry.</p>

<p>So you NEED a teacher?</p>

<p>My school does not participate, should I ask my teacher to register just for me?</p>