I know from CC that in the past getting a postcard toward the end of March to come tour the theatre department and see the spring musical was an indicator that an acceptance letter was soon to follow. My D got this postcard from SDA way back in December. Did anyone else get a postcard way back then? Any chance it means anything?
My D is in School of Dramatic Arts (BA Emphasis Acting), class 2017. I remember the postcard we got At the time I ran across a thread about this same topic. All indications of past conversations (and with my D as well) meant a good indication that she was going to be accepted, which she was. They cannot accept you before the official date but they want you to make arrangements to come, since some people have air flights to arrange and hotels to book. The spring musical is Grease. I hear this production has a lot of choreography so that will be fun. The day we went to the 'Open House" there were information sessions to attend, lunch and the show. The Dean was there as well as the admissions counselors for School of Dramatic Arts. It was a great day. My daughter LOVES the program. There are quite a few shows put on every year and one musical. There are many independent students productions (ISP’s) that get produced as well (straight plays and musicals). They are student directed, costumed, stage crafted, acted, stage managed, etc. by students. I have seen several shows since my daughter has performed in quite a few of them. They have all been top notch. Best of luck with your daughter’s decision. I can say that for my daughter, and our family, USC was the best choice
I hope you will be able to make arrangements to attend the musical (and the Open House).
My D got the same postcard back in December. There hasn’t been another invite since then. Decisions should be in just a few days, so I guess we will know then. Good luck!