<p>Get over it. My school teaches all its classes on the college level with no weighting whatsoever. This includes tough second or third year courses like differential equations, vector calculus, U.S. foreign policy, and physics III.</p>
<p>When you apply to college, they will know your school doesn’t weight and not factor it against you. In fact, most will use your unweighted GPA in making decisions. Weighting varies so widely and difficulty levels are so polar that colleges rarely look at weighted GPAs.</p>
<p>Yeah, I know it’s tough. But you still gotta take those APs, it will look even worse if college see that you didn’t take the opportunity to challenge yourself further by taking the APs your school offers.</p>
<p>My school gives 0 for honors and 0 for APs. It’s no big deal though, as colleges don’t care about GPA per se, but rather courses and grades (subtle difference).</p>
<p>They look at your transcript or (in the case of UCs) the actual classes you enter. They don’t look at the GPA next to someone else’s GPA and blindly compare them. There’s no space on the application where you type in your GPA.</p>
<p>pfft My school gives no points for anything, at all! You don’t get any scores everyone just immediatly fails. And the only classes availabele are supppper difficult like Relativistic Quantum Mechanics III, also the teacher is required to teach blindfolded and the students have to learn with books in languages they don’t speak, although a lot of kids here speak multiple languages so we all have our own languages. My Hyper Fluids book is in Portugeuse. Colleges really like that stuff. So yeah get over it.</p>
<p>My school gives .5+ for Honors and +1.0 for AP. Personally, I wish they would abolish the weighting. If you are smart enough to be in these courses, you shouldn’t need the extra boast to GPA.</p>
<p>What’s really annoying is when schools (like mine) use weighted GPA to calculate class rank, thus punishing students who take extra classes like music and journalism which are never weighted. Because of this, a kid taking 5 AP courses and orchestra has a lower GPA and lower class rank than a kid taking 5 AP courses and a study hall. It doesn’t seem fair.</p>