Self-Taught World History?

<p>I am in tenth grade but am graduating a year early. I took Modern World History for one semester and AP Art History. I also got Barron's guide to the World History exam but I am still worried that my scores will not be as high as they would be if I would have taken the full year AP World History course.</p>

<p>What do you think? Can a self-taught world history buff score above a 700 on the exam?</p>

<p>If you really like history and enjoy reading about it, go for it. Having some decent score should be better than having no score at all because you didn't take the test.</p>

<p>Thanks! :)</p>

<p>If you have an interest in world history but haven't studied it thoroughly in school, take it but study really hard for it.</p>

<p>I only took a year of lousy world history with a terrible teacher, we didn't get past the history of Asia, and then I waited a year after other crap and self-studied for the WH exam and got 800.</p>

<p>It is definitely manageable and surprisingly less complicated than what you might think.</p>

<p>World History is indeed a very broad subject but I found Kaplan's (and I suppose PR's and Barron's too) book's contents really accurate. I mean, there are innumerable questions you can be asked but Kaplan manages to cover 90% of the material in 200 pages. </p>

<p>When I took the test I only read Kaplan (which I finished like in 5 days) and if I had had the time I would have read at least another book. </p>

<p>But yes, it is very possible. If you like WH and are a good reader it should be no great trouble.</p>