Seriously considering Merced...

<p>So I originally applied for UC Santa Cruz, but I was rejected. I then appealed but was denied. Upon my appeal decision I was offered a "Shared Experience" transfer program from Santa Cruz that had me attend Merced for 2 years and then transfer.</p>

<p>Merced is basically giving me a full ride other than a small work opportunity program that I'd have to do for part of the costs. I can't decide whether to go to Merced and take the transfer program, or go to Mt. SAC (local CC) and try to transfer after 2 years.</p>

<p>I'd like to get some outside, non-personal opinions so, if you could, let me know what you think. Thank you.</p>

<p>I think you should go to Merced if your financial aid package is that good. Who know you might end up staying there all four years or you will have the transfer option after 2 years. I think you will really miss out from the college experience by going to Mt. SAC.</p>

<p>If you are given the full ride you should definitely take it. I would. Why pay for a local CC when you can got to a UC for free.</p>

<p>Since UCM is small school you will have closer communication with your professors which is a big plus compare to all the UCs. It is very easy to get letter of reference from them, (some professors will write it to you on the spot), which is important when you are applying for a transfer, graduate school, internship, or a job. Letter of reference is important when admissions do their selection of applicants. A letter from a UC professor is more appealing than a community college instructor. </p>

<p>Also, if you are done with your lower division courses (ramp up classes) in UCM you can take upper division courses that are only offered in the UC and not in CC. Upper division courses in UCM are transferable to the UC depending if the criteria of their is met. For example, Upper Division Genetics is not offered in the CC but is in all UCs and is transferable between them. So if you transfer to UCSB you will have more units/courses done at a UC than a CC.</p>