<p>I'm currently enrolled in 21 units this semester and I've been accepted to ucm, ucsc, and ucsb. From the looks of it, I'm more than likely going to fail my pre-cal course. I''m terrible at math, I've seeked out tutorial every week and my merciless teacher could care less. If I don't pass this four unit course I'm short ONE unit. I'm a psych major, and as far as I'm concerned this class is necessary for my igetc, but not for my major. I also recieved a cal grant and it may be taken away from me now. :( Can I redeem my cal grant by taking summer courses to boost my gpa? Are all of my chances of transferring shot to hell? UCM also offered me a 6,000 dollar bobcat grant. Have I lost everything? </p>
<p>You can try to find a spring intersession class that is 3-4 weeks but it will have to be the same class so you can wipe out the F… It is my understanding that you can’t have any D’s or F’s your last semester… The units are secondary… I’m taking a class at Cal State Dominguez Hills (it’s a 3 week stats class that starts next week…) UCLA approved this but I was never failing anything… </p>
<p>Good luck…</p>
<p>I’m no fool. I put the class on P/NP. Math is my biggest struggle in school. I managed to hack physics, but something about math freaks me out! Is a ‘D’ passing?
the NP won’t implement my gpa, but I do want to repeat the course. So my first step would be to contact ucsb, ucsc, and ucm to find out whether or not I should take the course at their campus, or at my junior college? ughhh.</p>
<p>P.s. Thank you. I need more than luck. I need a miracle.</p>
<p>you need a math credit to transfer, and precalc is the lowest transferable math class… dont fail it</p>
<p>I took stats and passed it w/a B. so I have that requirement fulfilled, but ucsc and ucsb require pre-cal for psych majors so I figured I’d give it a shot. Its my first real math class in three years. My teacher is bulgarian and hard to understand. Half the kids dropped, and 13 students are passing… until our trig test today. I hope its not like this when I transfer.</p>
<p>DOES ANYONE KNOW IF A ‘D’ IS A P FOR pass/no pass?!</p>
<p>D is not consider as passing and it will show up as NP if you choose to do P/NP for a class</p>
<p>my suggestion is call each UC and find out what can you do… from my perspective, UCM UCSB and UCSC are really forgiving and let u take the course in their campus or during summer… a frd of mine who admitted to UCD last year and she failed one of her major pre Macro Econ class. but Davis let her take it again during summer in UCDavis and she passed with a B and she get in. so dont worry that much and contact the UC and find out what you can do… plus… UCM, UCSB and UCSC arent like UCB and LA… their restriction is really loose… so, call them</p>