<p>Maybe I just wasn't paying attention or something, but I did not even realize NYU-Poly offered ED until today. I was originally planning to apply ED to NYU and then regular to NYU-Poly.</p>
<p>I want to know, what school would be better for me to apply ED to? My major of interest is Computer Science, and I have heard that the two schools have completely different Computer Science programs. Then, I also don't know how this whole NYU-NYU Poly-consolidation thing is going to turn out. I'm only a rising junior, so I will be applying for Fall of 2013. Does anybody know what would be best for this situation?</p>
<p>I see that you posted in the thread about NYU Poly being the 7th in earning power for its graduates based on a Yahoo article. That is certainly a plus for applying ED to NYU Poly. The difficulty level of admission into NYU Poly should get higher over the years with the merging of Poly and NYU. Not sure if the merger and recent Yahoo article will have a significant effect on number of applications immediately.</p>
<p>I remember reading that a number of people interested in engineering and computer science were accepted into NYU Poly this past year even though they had applied to CAS. So NYU Admissions was directing people with the “fit” from CAS to NYU Poly.</p>
<p>In terms of how the departments are different, I think it would be good if you can contact the NYU Computer Science Dept. and ask them what the difference is between their dept. and NYU Poly’s CS Dept.</p>
<p>[Administration/Staff</a> - NYU Computer Science Department](<a href=“NYU Computer Science Department”>NYU Computer Science Department)</p>
<p>Also, in case you have not been to the NYU CS website, here is a listing of courses for the CS major at NYU:</p>
<p>[NYU</a> Computer Science Department > Computer Science Majors](<a href=“http://cs.nyu.edu/webapps/content/academic/undergrad/majors]NYU”>CS Majors | NYU Computer Science)</p>
<p>okay, honestly, if you’re debating between <em>ED</em> to Poly or <em>ED</em> to NYU, there’s a problem because they’re not the same thing.
they’re certainly closely tied, but nonetheless a river apart. the discipline also appears to be very different. have you visited both schools? they are so different! lol!</p>
<p>but I’m a student at Poly, so if you ever want a tour of Poly, let me know and I’ll try and have you sit in on a relevant class or talk to the good CS professors…</p>
<p>what aspect of CS are you interested in? there are multiple disciplines within compsci…like cyber security, web development, etc. Poly holds an annual “hacking”/cyber security competition if you’re into that: [CSAW</a> - CyberSecurity Competition | NYU-Poly](<a href=“Home | NYU Tandon School of Engineering”>Home | NYU Tandon School of Engineering) so lots of opportunities for networking there. def feel free to send me a message if you have any specific q’s tho</p>
<p>Don’t apply to NYU CAS if you want NYU Poly, the programs and campus are completely different. Also, the NYU CS program did not impress (granted, I only took up to intermediate for a minor).</p>
<p>Static - I’m interested in software engineering. My only problem with visiting is that I live in southern California. However, I might get the chance to visit as my sister goes to Colgate University and we might come visit her in the spring, and my parents have stated that it’s a possibility that they could take me to visit both NYU and Poly.</p>
<p>This thread is a tad bit old, but I am leaning more towards Poly now.</p>
<p>But if you’re visiting next spring, it’d be too late to be sure which to apply ED to. =/ Ew. I see your predicament lol. Good luck… I do suggest hopping on a plane to NYC to visit (I know, I know - much more easily said than done - but it’d make a world a difference and you’d be much more confident in your decision)</p>