Should I even bother? Is it too late?

<p>I'm just not sure if i stand a good chance at being accepted at wisc if I applied this late and with these stats.</p>

<p>-2160(1430 m/v)
-3.3-3.4 uw gpa but with a HUGE upward grade trend and killer senior year grades
-decent ec's
-excellent recommendations</p>

<p>I initially had no interest in applying to wisc but I looked into it a little more and realized it actually is a very good fit for me personally and even my parents are urging me to apply. I just wanted to know how my chances stand if I apply within the next two days and give out all the stuff to my GC by tomorrow.</p>

<p>oh and i'm in New Jersey</p>

<p>I know absolutely nothing about your chances at this particular school but I do know one thing for sure - you won't get in if you don't apply. So go for it.</p>

<p>haha sure thing swimcatsmom :)</p>

<p>but I just wanted to get a general idea of how i'd fare with the rest of the applicants</p>

<p>I would think you have a good chance. Good luck!</p>

<p>No, it's never too late. However, my gut feeling is you will likely get a quick "postponed" decision and a yea or nah decision during the spring. This gives you a chance to submit your more recent HS transcript and other supplemental information. In your essay, make a strong argument why Wisconsin is a good fit. Good luck!</p>

<p>Hey, you're from Jersey, right? You'll probably get in. If you were from Wisconsin I'd say very little chance, but Wisconsin takes a lot of out-of-state kids with lower than average stats. Good luck!</p>