I’m struggling so hard, I don’t know where to go!
San Diego:
- Love the area. Right by the beach.
- Close to home
- It’s cheaper
- I got put into Muir college
- I hear it’s socially dead?
- More stressful?
- Doesnt have enough majors that interest me. Only one I can think of is public health, which is super capped.
- Got admitted under communications… Would it be here to switch to a science?
- They have the food science major I want. They also have clinical nutrition which may interest me.
- Is it less rigorous? I feel like it is less rigorous if I decide to be pre-med, as opposed to San Diego
- Has a nice campus life
- Really far from home (about 8 hours)
- Costs more because I’d have to fly
I want to do something along the lines of pre-med/nutritionist/food scientist. That’s why I thought Davis would be a great pick. I’m a little intimidated by the things I hear about San Diego (how it’s so stressful and socially dead). However, I’ll miss my family if I go to Davis, so I don’t know what to do anymore.
We’re also from San Diego; you will love Davis!
Davis is a great school and an amazing community. You should visit both, though, before deciding. What did you get accepted to at Davis?
Can your parents afford your going to Davis?
If you want to be a premed, go to SD. If you want to be a food scientist, Davis would be better. It’s stressful at UCSD but definitely not socially dead, unless you refuse to talk to a single person. It’s still college ffs, everyone blows the socially dead thing way out of proportion. If you didn’t get the major you want, though, you might want to hold off on coming here. Bio and public health are capped, although biochemistry and pharmacological chemistry are still popular choices
@RetainerBaby Congrats on your acceptances! That is a tough decision. My D was accepted at UCD but declined at UCSD. We are going to visit Davis during Spring break but we had already visited UCSD. I have to say we were not overly impressed with the campus except for the cool design of the library. But I think that college is what you make of it and you can be successful at any school if you put yourself out there and work at it. Have you seen both schools yet? Best of luck to you in your decision. Are you going to UCD’s decision day?
@LilyMoon no, I can’t afford to fly to Davis for decision day and then again if I decide to go there. Let me know how it goes! 
@Emsmom1 I got accepted with food science at Davis, but Communications at SD
@RetainerBaby Congrats on all your acceptance ! Can you please tell me your stats? I am interested in Davis’s food science and I got waitlisted right now. I want to know what is my chance of getting in.
Academic wise both schools are competitive but I found Davis students tend to be more laid back vs UCSD (my perception). As stated above, if you got into your major of interest at UCD then it would make it an easier decision. Trying to switch majors at UCSD could only add to your stress.
You need to select the school that meets your goals: academically/financially and socially.
My best friends daughter graduated last year as a BME and she worked hard but was able to have an active social life. Your social life is up to you as several posters have pointed out.
Best of luck with your decision. Remember this is only 4 years out of the rest of your life.
@RetainerBaby both schools are rigorous but my perception (take that for what it worth) is that the students at UCSD are more competitive with each other while UCD students work hard but seem to be more supportive of each other. It is a very different vibe at Davis than San Diego.
Take the virtual tour online and watch some of the videos on the UC Davis YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kwvh7gAdGQ0
@lgk4answers I think “hit the nail right on the head” that both schools academically are competitive, but UCD does seem to be more supportive. Good luck and go Aggies!!!
UC GPA: 4.0
(10-12 GPA): 4.27W, 3.8UW
SAT: 1260/1600
Took 12 AP classes (including this senior year).
100+ hours community service at boys and girls club
Vice President of a club at my school, been in some other clubs for a few years.
Good essays (from what my teachers have told me)
@calvinnnnn Also, good luck! I hope you get in! 
@“aunt bea”
The prices are pretty much the same. San Diego is slightly cheaper, but not that big of a difference.
My dd just got into the top UC for pharmacy school.
My dd’s classmates have been getting interviews for med school and are doing well.
They all were well prepared at Davis. Students are just happy there.
@“aunt bea” thank you! Yeah, I’m very drawn to the school because I love all the majors they offer. They have clinical nutrition, food science, and are #1 for animal science!
I just worry because I know some people might say it’s less prestigious than some of the other schools, but I don’t think that really makes much of a difference, right?
If you are able to visit, you will immediately note the difference in schools. :-*
@“aunt bea” oh, I’ve visited both campuses before on field trips! I liked Davis better. I meant to ask if the prestige is much of a difference or not?