<p>I’m a biology major and can’t decide between UCD and UCSD. Does anyone have any input to share?</p>

<p>both schools are fantastic at sciences. shouldn’t matter too much where you go for biology. SD has better ranking by like… barely anything if that means anything to you.
Choose the school you fit in better at, and financially better :)</p>

<p>Here are some pros and cons. Oh, I’m a current student at Davis so I might be bias.</p>

<p>Cons of Davis (for me at least):
-Can get as hot as 110 in summer, as cold as 25 in winter. (but keep in mind that you have summer and winter breaks.)
-Tercero area of campus smells like cow.
-Not CAL Berkeley tier</p>

<p>Pros of Davis (for me at least):
-EVERYONE BIKES! (even people who didnt know how to bike before coming to davis loves biking now.)
-Good at sciences
-I’ve had some pretty cool professors.
-Really friendly people. People are more relaxed.
-Not as academically challenging as CAL
-Cheaper off campus housing
-Very good internship and career center.
-Mondavi center… if you are into arts.
-The AGGIEPACK (this should be enough to bring you to Davis!!!.. not really. but its a plus!) </p>

<p>Cons of UCSD vs UCD (in my opinion):
-Not Berkeley
-Isolated (yes davis is in middle of nowhere, but at least Davis is a town and has restuaraunts and stores around.)
-Lack of sports. </p>

<p>Pros of UCSD:
-More Asians (This is for me, I like Asians.)
-Good science school
-Ranks better on USNEWS rankings
-Beautiful weather</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply! I’m really starting to like Davis now hehe :D</p>

<p>whoa whoa… the tercero portion smells like cow? the whole town of DAVIS smells of cow(*****), you might just be used to it</p>

<p>also, la jolla is a smallER town, but its right off the beach and 5 minutes away from HUGHMUNGOUS city of san diego… with qualcom stadium, sdsu, tons of beaches, and many many more. </p>

<p>pros sd:
very good in sciences, premier research uc
ranks better, up there with ucla
BEST weather. i was there in oct, on shores beach in a t shirt and shorts…i cant wait.</p>

not as seemingly social, you have to try basically. join a club for gods sake
this ones for me; its far… im from sacramento. 8 hr drive
expensive area
…uh… none? rumors say girls are uggo, but i looked through facebooks of the freshmen class this year so far and the girls are not EVEN half bad. </p>

<p>pros davis:
cheaper area
people are really nice
smaller campus (than sd)
prob more parties and such
nice town</p>

smells like cow pies all day everyday
weather sucks here, i hate it. 110-120 in summer if you stay, 25 and sometimes lower during winter… you will be in school during this, the worst is the beginning of winter
for me:too close to home
all other cities are rather far.</p>

<p>Personally, although I like UCD alot, UCSD is probably the better choice for biology. Both UC has been constantly improving every year, and UCSD bio majors are considered to be one of the top ones in the nation. I believe it’s the 2nd best UC for bio majors, behind UCB.</p>

<p>cons of ucsd
-triton eye (look it up on urban dictionary)
-too many asians (yes i’m asian)
-in la jolla - rich old folks town i think 10 miles from Downtown SD
-apparently you have to go to sdsu to party / have fun.
-more cut throat competition who study 24/7
-alot of commuters
-lots of GE classes (esp. revelle)
-not a real college town - expensive housing
-mixed bag - some people love it, some people hate it.

-great academics
-close to the beach
-great weather<br>
-close to LA
-nice facilities</p>

<p>Not trying to argue, but…</p>

<p>This made me laugh.
"…uh… none? rumors say girls are uggo, but i looked through facebooks of the freshmen class this year so far and the girls are not EVEN half bad. "</p>

<p>I don’t think it smells like cows at most of the campus. Neither does my family nor my friends who visit. </p>

<p>Is UCSD actually bigger than UCD? I’ve only been to UCSD once so I don’t actually remember how big it is. I guess students at UCD bike for the love of biking.
Campus acre-wise : UCD is about 4.5 times bigger.</p>

<p>5 minutes from town of San Diego… I remember it not being that fast last time I visited. So I decided to actually check it out Google Maps. About 20 minutes, by car. About 1hours 20 minutes by public transit.</p>

<p>@hermanliu320 and ajdavidson07</p>

<p>If you think Davis ever gets below 30, you have never seen a thermometer in your lives. And all of Davis doesn’t smell like cows.</p>

<p>kingselite, ajdavidson lives in sacramento which is 10 miles away from Davis. And I attend UCD. It was below 30 in January.</p>

<p>^I live in the area too. It might have been below 30 one day. Sacramento’s average low in January is 41 so I don’t see how it can get below 30 very often, let alone 25.</p>

<p>^ hell no. it was below 30 for like 2 weeks straight at least! i washuddling for warmth (as the people from michigan laugh) </p>

<p>it does too get that cold here, you are dumb if you think not. maybe you havent lived here for the past 5 years or so… because it has gotten a lot colder in the past few years. </p>

<p>ALL of davis smells. idc what you say. even my friends from cal poly say it smells like cow. haha, thats a COW town. the mascot is a horse… not a mustang or bronco or something cool, but an aggie… its agricultural its going to smell like cow. </p>

<p>oh and i was checking the fb pages to see who i would be going to school with, i dont know why its funny that i was checking the page?</p>

<p>ps it took me 8 minutes to get to sdsu from ucsd. thats going almost into downtown, then across highway 8. i think i can get to dt in ATLEAST 10 minutes tops. </p>

<p>oh and ucd may be “more acres” but its including all the farm land that is part of campus. all of ucsd’s campus is housing, buildings, and classrooms.</p>

<p>^In December it dropped below 30 on only 5 separate days. Hardly 2 weeks. In January it dropped below 40 on only 7 separate days. Never below 30. February had 3 days under 40. So there you go. I understand the point is that it’s warmer in San Diego in the winter, which is true, but it’s not as cold at Davis as you claim. I’ve lived here all my life by the way. As far as smell goes, I can’t really argue with what people smell. I don’t think it smells, you do, fair enough. Davis’s mascot is Gunrock the Mustang so yeah, their mascot is a mustang. Aggie is just a nickname. I’m not trying to be a jerk here, just pointing some stuff out.</p>

<p>^ no, good points haha. i am prob just a pansy and think its colder than it is… all i know is IM used to hot a$$ weather and beginning of winter it gets cold as ***** (to me and lots of others) here and we cant stand it. beign 25, 35, or 45… if you are used to really cold weather its prob nothing</p>

<p>kings has a point tho you will get to the smell of anywhere if you live there. i just cant stand cow pies when i visit or drive through davis, dixon, or any of the sort. </p>

<p>im not trying to be a jerk either… just trying to point out some stuff I hold to be true. maybe not such a big deal, or true to others. but for real, it has gotten a lot colder here in nor cal in the past 5 years. if you dont think global warming is real, you got another thing comming</p>

<p>^Yeah, I mean I think it’s cold too but then people from around the US are praying for days where it gets to 30, so then we look stupid… but sucks for them. I think the thing with Davis and the smell is that people get used to it if they’re here. I moved to Lincoln when I was in 6th grade and there’s a logging mill here and I always hated the smell of the logs but now I don’t even smell them anymore. I’m just always trying to defend Davis cause I live in the area and my grandpa worked there. I really like the place and I ALMOST picked it over UCSD.</p>

<p>ucsb has like a… hat? for a mascot. What does that tell us about that school?</p>

<p>^ ucsb’s mascot is the gaucho ! OLE, OLE, OLE, OLE… OLE, OLE. are you kidding me they have the best pride around… the crowd just starts screaming out OLE all the time, and they throw tortillas on the field during soccer and lacrosse games. so freaking funny.</p>

<p>kidding you about what?</p>

<p>ajdavidson07, you already got the “triton eye”</p>

<p>just kidding ; )~</p>

<p>imo, ucd is much better for sciences</p>

<p>haha i dont even go there yet! impossible.</p>

<p>i will say this however… when i visited my friend at ucsd, we had a kick it in her warren apartment and she had a bunch of gals over. id say 2/ 12 girls that were there were attractive. haha kinda makes me laugh though cuz its just a big stereotype</p>

<p>hahaha just choose whichever school you would be happier in. : )</p>

<p>i would choose davis, btw~ ; )</p>