should i room with two or three other guys in the same room?

<p>Hi, I'm looking at my housing options and I was thinking about rooming with two or three other guys in the same room in a coed dorm hall (also have our own b-room). I'm a transfer student so it will be my first time to live at a university and I don't know anyone there. I'm looking forward to being very socialable and making a lot of friends. So, if anyone has any advice please help a brotha out. Thanks</p>

<p>please, anyone?</p>

<p>living with 2 guys is not bad i’ve heard. how big is the room though and is there anything like a social room that is separate from the bedroom. four guys in a room can get obnoxious i’ve heard</p>

<p>its just one big room with a b-room that seperates the toilet from the shower so someone can crap while another is taking a shower haha</p>

<p>That’s a weird design. You will really be pressed to find any privacy, bet it for studying, or other personal activities.</p>

<p>One roommate in a room is the norm. Two is pushing it a bit…Three is just plain silly, imo.</p>

<p>yea i hear ya thanks for da post</p>

<p>trust me…you don’t want to do that. Unless you’re already really good friends with both of them.</p>