Should I try? Chances?

<p>I would like to apply to UCs (UCLA-Philosophy) for Fall 2014. I will have 31 credit units at the time of applications, with 12 units coming from 4 AP classes I took in high school.
My main concern is that its taken me 3 semesters to gather the 19 units I have from CC, due to family and health issues. I also took a semester off. How will this impact my chances? </p>

<p>I will not have completed any college math courses by application time; would this be an issue? I'm on track to complete the required math course by the end of Spring 2014.</p>

<p>I would like to apply for philosophy, but will have only completed 1 philo course by application time. I will be taking 3 courses upcoming semester/during time of application. Would this also hurt my chances? I was focused on trying to clear IGETC courses first...</p>

<p>IGETC-completed, except for the Math requirement.
GPA: 4.0
Some volunteering, some work. </p>

<p>Is there a chance I may get accepted? Or would it most likely be better to wait an additional year?</p>

<p>You need to complete a math class.</p>

<p>You mean I need to have completed the math class by the time I am filling out applications, or by Spring sem. prior to transfer? I don’t think there’s a way for me to complete a math by Oct… :T</p>

<p>Try to complete the math class by the time you are filling out the applications. I think the UC’s would like to see you having completed your math and english requirements before transferring. In addition, they highly emphasize the 60 semester units that you must also have completed before transferring.
For your questions regarding health/family issues/taking a semester off and how it will impact your chances: talk to your school counselor about this. It would probably be best to hear what they have to say about your particular situation.
I know you are looking forward to applying this Fall but personally, I feel it would be best if you take your time with CC, complete the required classes and meet the minimum 60 units. Trying to rush into things might end up hurting you. Talking to an academic advisor is also beneficial. Best of luck! </p>

<p>Check this out too: [Admission</a> requirements | UC Admissions](<a href=“]Admission”></p>

<p>From what I’ve read on this website, I figure it’s preferred if you complete IGETC at the latest in the fall semester. Which means this semester. That way you can update your application in January and UC admissions will be able to see that. I know fall semester is pretty close to starting in a lot of schools, but see if there’s a way you can take the math class this fall. If not then well, just take it in Spring and hope for the best.</p>

<p>Thanks guys!</p>