Shuttle/Taxi to FLL

<p>Our S will be flying home for Thanksgiving on Wed, 1:30 pm flight. The UM shuttle only has 9 and 12 for pickup so that will not work. Can anyone share names of shuttle services or taxi that they were happy with (if you remember the price, it would be helpful)? We got a quote for a private shuttle for $110 for 1-5 kids, if anyone is interested in splitting, let me know. Thanks.</p>

<p>My son uses the GO shuttle to and from FLL. Only about $20 each way. The link is below.</p>

<p>[url=&lt;a href=“][/url”&gt;][/url</a>]</p>

<p>I just called and it’s now $30, but a private car that can take 4 kids is $80+tip so that’s better than the quote I got. Thanks!</p>