sibling doesn't want to go to college

<p>my brother(sophomore) told me he doesn't want to go to college. He wants to enter in a program to become a technician after high school. I'm thinking he's making a really stupid decision. He's starting to get the feeling like education is not important. He's constantly telling me that he is smart and has common sense but i don't think so. His grades are were good freshman year but he's not trying as hard this year because of his mindset. I want to tell my parents before it's too late. </p>

<p>I know college is not for everyone but only few people are successful without a college degree. right?</p>

<p>How should I convince him otherwise?</p>

<p>Perhaps he wants to go to a trade school to learn a specific skill? Plumbers and electricians have the ability to make a lot of money because IIRC there isn’t a very large amount of them around.</p>

<p>I agree that he should be concerned about his education, but I agree with pyroza that trade school wouldn’t be a bad choice. Believe it or not, four year colleges aren’t for everyone, and he’d probably be happier making a living doing something that he likes.</p>

<p>Agree with those above…plenty of people don’t go to college and have happy lives (regardless of how much money they make, though often they can match people with degrees). Still, you should encourage him to keep up with his schoolwork. He still must graduate high school. He might yet change his mind. There are plenty of reasons…a high school education isn’t just preparation for college, obviously.</p>

<p>College isn’t for everybody, if he isn’t interested in continuing his education, that could very well be the best decision for him. Would you rather him drop 50,000 dollars on 2 years at the best school he could get into before realizing that he wasn’t going to get his degree?</p>

<p>yeah, leave him alone. I understand your concern but let him make his own decisions.</p>

<p>I might not go to college either and I’m a sophomore. Maybe. It’s all a matter of personal choice…</p>

<p>College is not for everyone. Just like military. Would you force someone in joining the military? No.</p>

<p>He’s a sophomore. He should keep up his grades and keep his options open–maybe take a shop class. If he decides as a senior to go to trade school they will not reject him because of good grades. Hard workers are valued wherever one goes.</p>

<p>It’s so easy to graduate, if he really doesn’t want to go to college, don’t force him to do anything. as long as he’s set on that decision, and he’s pulling a 2.0, that’s great.</p>

<p>i get great grades and have good SATs (2200+), but for a while i was thinking of not going into college for like a couple of months. I dunno what was going through my mind during that phase. But yeah your bro shuld goto college but i mean some ppl do best in other professions, college is not the ONLY way. And some of these trades can make quite a lot of money too.</p>