<p>You are, of course, absolutely correct. It really DOES help to have someone besides mom to write to.</p>
<p>The trick is, of course, what you said last: "That is, if each supports the other". It doesn't always work that way.</p>
<p>I experienced both. I went through Plebe Year and half of Youngster Year with a girlfriend in New York who worshipped the ground I walked on. It was great. It didn't work out in the end, but that's life. Believe me, it was wonderful to have someone to talk to.</p>
<p>Then I went out (briefly) with the Power-Mad Maniac. Didn't understand that Taps had arrived and I had to hang up. Didn't help me at all.</p>
<p>So, if you can assure yourself that she will be of help, then by all means stay together, and I wish you both the very best of luck. However, as has already been said, if this person figures into your decision to attend USNA or in any way gives you anything less than 200% support to attend, then you are better off ditching her now and getting on with your life.</p>
<p>Look, I'm known around here for being blunt; perhaps TOO blunt. So be it. I am direct and no-frills when it comes to subjects I am passionate about through experiences I'd rather save others from having. You are at a pivotal moment in your life. The decisions you make over the next few months will set the course for the rest of your life whether you recognize it or not. While I admire the sentiment and the interest in your girlfriend (I was no different in my day), the fact remains you must be BRUTALLY, HIDEOUSLY, and UTTERLY SELFISH right now. This is about YOUR future; not your parent's, not your girlfriend's, not your sibling's; YOURS. YOU come first. You have to make decisions that work for YOU, and I'm sorry to have to say that, at your (likely) age, people make mistakes with the best of intentions.</p>
<p>Listen to USNA1985. She knows of what she speaks. She saw it first hand as I did just a few years later.</p>
<p>I'll also ask you to forgive me for being a bit jaded on the subject. I have had to discover the hard way that it is better to be alone than to be poorly matched with someone. I'd spare anyone from having to find that out for themselves the day before the EE final or 15 minutes before their next come-around.</p>