Singer Scholars - Admissions/Housing Deposit?

<p>I did Stamps/Singer weekend this past weekend and have made up my mind that the U is where I'll be going. We haven't yet paid my admissions deposit or housing deposit, but my question is, if we get Singer or Stamps, do those cover the deposits ($300 and $250)? Or are we going to have to pay those anyways? If the latter, I'll go ahead and do it now, but if there's a chance we'd be covered by our scholarship, I'll just wait to hear the results.</p>

<p>Singer would cover the admissions deposit. Stamps would cover both. I believe… Either way if you paid now and got S/S they’d credit your account somehow. With only having to wait another 6 days or so, I’d just wait until the decisions were made if I were you.</p>

<p>Yeah I think I’ll wait then if it can be covered. I’m just anxious to make it final… also I want to get my housing done before RD decisions are released (or not too long after) because I want to submit my housing preferences. Although I was told that those of us at the weekend would probably have priority (though there still is a bit of randomness to it).</p>

<p>Hecht / Stanford = Potato / Potaaaato</p>

<p>I thought the same thing but the student interviewer this weekend told me otherwise :p</p>

<p>they credit your account on the first day of classes if you are awarded stamps, so there is no harm in putting down the housing deposit
i’d actually recommend it, as the date you put down the deposit carries over with you in terms of getting on-campus housing for future years
i’m so happy you decided to be a 'Cane!! it will be the BEST decision of your entire life!
it’s great to be a Miami Hurricane!! []_[]</p>