Singer Scholarship and Single Rooms in Dorms

<p>Howdy folks,</p>

<p>I have two questions:</p>

<li><p>I didn't receive the Singer scholarship but I was wondering what happens if the people who did receive it decide not to come? Is the scholarship awarded to someone else?</p></li>
<li><p>Are there any single rooms in Hecht or Stanford?</p></li>


<p>I’m not sure about the answer to your first question, but there are single rooms in Stanford and Hecht. They cost more, though.</p>

<p>Oh, how much more? Do you have a link to the prices?</p>

<p>Though it’s a slightly outdated link, it looks like it’s $1086 more per year in Hecht/Stanford. Here’s the link: [Room</a> Rates](<a href=“]Room”></p>

<p>They offer Singer Scholarships to a certain number of people with the expectation that a certain percentage will not attend based on previous years response rates. There are singles in Hecht and Stanford but they are usually given randomly. I suggest living with a roommate because it is easier to meet people and get acclimated freshman year.</p>

<p>Freshmen aren’t allowed to live in singles.</p>

<p>A select number of freshman can live in singles in Hecht and Stanford because no upperclassmen aside from RAs and AFs will be living in the Towers next year.</p>

<p>I’m currently a freshman at UM and I was given a single dorm. There are two small single dorms on every floor of the towers, and one of them usually goes to an academic fellow. (But academic fellows do not live on every floor.) Next year, the only upperclassmen living in the towers will be RA’s (RA’s live alone in a double room) and AF’s, and so I assume that all of the other singles will be randomly assigned. I was randomly given a single dorm, as I did not request one.</p>

<p>I like my room, and I appreciate the privacy, but it would be nice to have a roommate. It is easier to get to know people when you have a roommate by your side. I personally did not struggle with getting to know people though, as I have a close group of friend on my floor, in marching band, and within my sorority.</p>