Singer/Stamps 2013

<p>Yes, maybe! I applied into Architecture, so maybe that’s it too.</p>

We can only hope. Same ACT. Acceptance post on myum came later here.</p>


<p>I’m thinking the same thing because I was so surprised by how much I got because I thought it was based just on gpa/class ranks/test scores. Maybe the Presidential looked more at the whole picture?
And I got into Arts and Sciences so I don’t think its your being in Architecture.</p>

<p>Just notified as a Singer scholarship finalist and was accepted with 23,000 I don’t know anything about these scholarships or what they mean at all but I am excited!</p>

<p>He applied to the main college for French major, but doing Bio dual major. Do u know anything about the Honors, do they let them know? What do you mean acceptance post came later?</p>


<p>Did the email just come or had you received it earlier and just now checked your inbox?</p>

<p>My UM didn’t have his acceptance and scholarship letter posted until late on Friday. No letter in acceptance packet (came today) for singer Stamps or in email.</p>

<p>Invited for the S/S weekend (March 1/2), 24k scholarship, accepted into College of A&S to study Neuroscience, and invited to interview for the HPME program.
ACT- 35 (34 R, 34 E, 35 S, 36 M)
SAT- didn’t send
Class Rank- 1/150 International Baccalaureate Seniors
GPA- 3.99 unweighted (awkward 0.01 hahaha)
APs- Human Geo, Calc AB, English Lang and Comp (all 5s)
SAT IIs- Math 2 (770), Chem (650… shh. I know it’s not exactly fantastic haha.)
ECs- Lieutenant Governor of FL Youth in Government (YMCA civics program), SGA Secretary, awards for Piano and Clarinet, various math team awards (only from district competitions), awards for writing competitions, 4-year Varsity tennis player (Co-Captain in Jr. year), mid-range ranking in USTA Florida Girls 16, summer volunteer in Children’s Hospital, volunteer pianist for an art center, volunteer clarinetist for Edison Winter Estates, and volunteer at the local Children’s science museum.</p>

<p>I hope this helps anyone looking for information!</p>

<p>Still nothing. Guess I just didn’t get an invite. Sort of depressing since my stats are quite good in my opinion. Good luck to everyone that did get an invite though!</p>

<p>Singer and stamps DO NOT come in the envelope that you got today. She said in admissions that it comes separately The emails are sent today</p>

<p>brenneranderson - I saw your stats post and they are excellent! Did you have any AP test scores or Sat subject test scores? And your ACT score was for a single sitting, not SS? I am curious about the invites too; this year is so different from the past.</p>

<p>Yes, good luck to everyone! In years past they gave out extra money just for attending. $4,000. Not sure if that is still true. It seems everyone’s stats are all very close. Not sure what they are using to choose.</p>

<p>Bubba901 is right. They’re not part of the same package, however I received both envelopes in the mail today. I’m not sure if it just happened to work out that way for me, but that’s my situation at least haha. But the emails did go out today.</p>

<p>Interesting. They were part of the same package before. Have another kid that went a few years ago. Guess we will wait and hope in tomorrow’s mail.</p>

<p>illinoismom93 - I have taken 3 APs and am taking 4 this year. I’ve gotten two 4’s and a 5 on those that I’ve taken. My ACT score was in one sitting yes not superscored. Since I did well on my ACT, I decided not to send in my sat II scores since you can use the ACT to substitute them. Maybe that was where I went wrong? I also have pretty strong EC’s and am a very competitive tennis player, been playing #1 on my high school team since my sophomore year and have a high USTA Florida ranking.</p>

<p>The admissions office said they mailed them today, so not sure how nishanik15 got it already! But congrats. The emails did go out but did they go out in batches? or are we not getting an email… ??? Crossing my fingers</p>

<p>brenneranderson - I honestly have no idea how they decide. It does look at this point from those who have reported invites that those students had been awarded scholarships in the amount of 23k or 24k, nothing higher or lower so far. But surely more reports will come in later on. Will your award be enough to allow you to attend?</p>

<p>Do you guys think it’d be possible to hear back from them about the scholarship after tonight? Or are all the e-mails going out as we speak?</p>

<p>illinoismom93 - I hope so! It was basically between UM and UF. But UF will be way cheaper now since I don’t even have a chance at the UM scholarship :(</p>

<p>Hi all - just wanted to add that I received a letter and email invite today for the first Singer/Stamps weekend. The email came at ~12:30 eastern time and the letter came about two hours later. I had received a $24,000 presidential scholarship.</p>