Singer/Stamps Award Decisions

<p>Does anyone know how the recipients of the awards will be notified? Email, log in to Cane Link? Snail mail or UPS?Fedex package? I believe that the attendees from the first weekend were told that they can expect to hear on or around March 15th. Is this accurate? Thanks...</p>

<p>They told us that recipients (as well as those who do not receive an award) would be notified via email in approximately 2 weeks, so that would be around 03/15. Stamps nominees will be notified (email, I think) regarding a Skype or phone interview with a member of the Stamps family/foundation. I believe that they said that Stamps recipients will be notified via a phone call from President Shalala (not sure of the whole Stamps timeframe, though).</p>

<p>Thanks spidermom! </p>

<p>@spidermom03 - I thought it was interesting that they told everyone this year that the Stamps recipients (not the Stamps nominees who will continue on with a Skype interview, but those who are awarded the scholarship after the Skype interviews) would hear the news via a phone call from Dr. Shalala herself. Three years ago she did not make the phone calls to announce the award so it was a HUGE surprise two years ago when my daughter got the incredible news. She was completely unprepared for that call - we assumed it was the airline calling with news about D’s lost luggage when her cell phone rang that morning and caller ID said “florida call”. At some point the []<em>[] must have asked for her cell number on a form of some kind apparently? But she had no idea she’d be getting a phone call from anyone at the []</em>[] - and certainly not from Dr. Shalala herself - she was expecting an email from admissions would arrive with the decision.</p>

<p>We were in shock when she hung up and announced “GUESS WHO THAT WAS?” Her voice had sounded too excited during the call for it to be luggage news but then again that girl does love her shoes : ) I’m wondering if the announcement in advance to expect a phone call from Dr. Shalala was made because she had trouble reaching Stamps recipients on their cells as most kids let unfamiliar numbers go to VM. Definitely more exciting to get the news on a live phone call, and since we had no idea Dr. Shalala made the calls herself it was an unforgettable experience! On a Saturday afternoon too. And D’s lost suitcase did finally turn up around midnight : ) </p>

<p>I wrote this whole thing up in a multi-part post that reviewed the whole weekend’s proceedings after our experience. </p>

<p>Looking through old threads it looks like in years past they’ve released the results 9 days after the weekend which would have been Monday the 10th, any idea of why this year the results are coming later?? Hopefully they come out soon, the waiting is driving me crazy!!</p>

<p>A little disappointed that my S didn’t get an invite to Singer. The stats for those that did must be off the charts.<br>
Congrats to everybody that got invited. We will have to wait to see what kind of merit he is offered but unfortunately it will likely be a bit more than we can swing. </p>

<p>The reason results are later is because of the confusion about the weekend. There were a number of students that were blocked out of Stamps weekend when they tried to sign up and put on a wait list. My S was told via email on Wednesday (2 days before weekend) that there was now room for him and others to attend. I called and said 48 hrs notice was not an acceptable time frame for us to fly in and make arrangements. All students that could not be interviewed were told they would get skype interviews the week of 3/10. My S was just interviewed on Tuesday and he was not the only one to be interviewed this week. I doubt they will pick any from these Skype interviews but they can’t announce winners until all are officially interviewed.</p>

<p>My S just got an email. He did not get the Stamps or Singer scholarship. He did, however, get the Foote Fellows and an additional $4,000. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s going to be enough. </p>

<p>I just received the same email offering me the additional $4,000 and Foote Fellow award. Like @jrmama496 I’m also not sure that it will be enough, unfortunately, but I’m very happy to have participated in the weekend.</p>

<p>My D got an email as well, got the Singer and Foote, no mention of stamps.</p>

<p>@IllinoisDad3 - Did your D declare her major?</p>

<p>My son got nothing other than the additional $4,000. He was already unsure about UM, and without even the Foote Fellow designation, it’s not really competitive with the other schools to which he has already been admitted. Oh well . . . at least we got to spend a nice weekend in the sun.</p>

<p>We are thankful that DS received e-mail last night and got Singer scholarship and Foote Fellow.
Since there is no mention of Stamps on the e-mail, does this mean he is out of running for Stamps?</p>

<p>My son received only the $4,000 additional, adding to the $23,K Presidential he already had. We are very grateful that he already had been awarded earlier this week, the St. Louis University Presidential (full tuition) and thus will likely take that.</p>

<p>@coquifrog - yes D had declared her major.</p>

<p>what are the SAT scores for those of you that have been invited to singer weekends? </p>

<p>@3tallblonds - any news for your twins re S/S?</p>

<p>@seniormom18 - good post in thread below by @biocellar on the stats typically associated with invites :</p>

<p><a href=“Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship - University of Miami - Florida - College Confidential Forums”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Congratulations to people who got Singer! Did anyone not get the email yet? </p>

<p>Can you stack singer with a president scholarship?</p>