Singer/Stamps Award Decisions

No - the Singer replaces a Presidential scholarship. </p>

<p>my Son (Skype interview) did not receive an email. Anyone else?</p>

<p>My daughter did not get the Singer scholarship either. Although we always knew there weren’t great odds, the process made her much less interested in the school. From the many computer glitches associated with the admissions decisions to the race to sign up for a spot to the many mistakes in the weekend schedule leading to multiple revisions to the lack of consistency in the interview process, she didn’t get a good feeling. Her interviewer was late, asked bizarre questions and mostly talked about himself. We have no sour grapes. My daughter got a full scholarship to another school and the experience made her appreciate the other school. I post this only so that others considering whether to attend the Singer weekends think carefully. Given the expense of traveling to Miami, I’m not certain it’s worth it unless your child doesn’t have other options or is really set on the school. </p>

<p>@sassiestmom --</p>

<p>My S wasn’t considered for either the Singer or the Stamps (despite SAT’s = 2340, SAT Subject Tests of 780, 800, etc.), but as an EA high-stats acceptee, we’re not exactly feeling the love from admissions either. Throughout the process, emails to his admissions rep went unanswered, there were all sorts of Canelink problems, and unlike prior years the merit scholarship awards didn’t accompany the acceptance decision (they could have made this clear in advance). Although we’ve received a mailing or two since his acceptance, the communications have been uninspired and banal. This is in distinct contrast to a couple of the other schools to which he’s been admitted EA. They have made it clear that not only was he admitted, but that he’s wanted.</p>

<p>It’s clearly some linear combination of incompetence and approach. That all said, we try to keep telling ourselves that we shouldn’t base any decisions regarding the school as a whole on the performance of one department – the admissions office. But you’d think that the school would want to present itself in the best possible fashion to its acceptees, and it’s clearly not doing so. My son wants to study Marine Science, which is very strong at UM, but I have a sick feeling that the merit award that he’ll be offered will pale compared to what’s already on the table, as final testimony to them not fully appreciating what an asset he’d be (of course, I’m biased). And if that merit scholarship is not high enough, together with the rest of the vibe that admissions is giving us, it will take Miami out of the running, despite what would likely be a good fit.</p>

<p>I received a PM inquiring about the stats of DS who received the Singer scholarship (but no Stamps). I am posting his general stats here so it might help others. </p>

<p>Perfect ACT and GPA. Several AP tests scoring all 5’s. Leadership, service projects and volunteering throughout high school. Science research with State awards and presented at international conferences. Summer research internship with stipend. Summer international exchanges.
I was asked to share what made DS standout to the selection committee. I think they are looking for well-rounded students who are at the top of UM’s entering class. In scholarship application, it’s important to show leadership and service. Finally, schools use merit scholarship to lure students from other schools - often higher ranking schools. </p>

<p>I hope to see Stamps (and other Singer) awardees post their stats here.</p>


<p>Amazing. The S/S candidates are said to represent the top 1% of the applicant pool. I think that your S is in the top 1% of the S/S candidates!! Congrats.</p>

<p>We haven’t been notified yet but I’m afraid it doesn’t matter. Decision was made on Sat afternoon while on campus. Fit trumps all. Loved the club med feel of the campus and the sample class. But we had some issues, and I think my girls may actual send an email to Donna. We still think it’s a great school and probably a perfect fit for our youngest :slight_smile: </p>


<p>I’m curious about the issues that your girls experienced. I am encouraging my daughter to contact the school as well because the interviewer provided such a poor impression of the school and really upset my daughter even though she generally interviews very well. On that Saturday, she told me that she wouldn’t be going there even though she liked the campus.</p>

<p>Finalist for Singer!!</p>

<p>2310 SAT
4.46W GPA (3.52 UW) at top-25 high school nationally always taking the hardest classes
Accepted RD</p>

<p>Have any HPME candidates received notification of the Singer Scholarship? Most HPME’ers had their Singer interviews while on campus for their HPME interviews, which was separate than most of you who attended the scholarship weekend.</p>

<p>@SurvivorFan Did you get the invitation for the Singer, If yes was it by Email, snail mail or on your Cane link.</p>

<p>@eastcoast96, I believe the HPME candidates (who interviewed for Singer while on campus for HPME interview) were told that they will get their HPME decision by 4/1.
For those of you who fit into this category, did you receive any scholarship? Also, did you receive either Singer or Stamp?</p>


<p>E-Mail, then Snail Mail (much later)</p>

<p>@4beardolls Yes, last year decisions came out this Tuesday for HPME, but still haven’t heard anything about Singer/Stamps scholarships.</p>

<p>Has anyone heard anything else on Stamps and/or Singer?
We are scheduled to drive down for the April 6th Accepted Student Open House and would really like to know before then.</p>

<p>@riogemini‌ Did Miami ever send you an email regarding the scholarship? I’m just wondering because I interviewed outside of the weekend times also but haven’t been emailed so I’m wondering if they forgot about me.</p>

<p>@student4675 no, I called last week and left a message about it. I received an email (no phone) that results would be sent by the end of next week, meaning by yesterday. I have given up on Miami. Did not like the way things were handled across the board. I am taking my talents to South Bend, not South Beach. LOL.</p>

<p>Too quiet if you ask me.
I would love to hear from those who were interviewed in person and those who were interviewed via Skype. My kid is up for both Stamps and Singer but feels as if his two other choices for schools are “wooing” his 1000% more. Last we heard was that the results for Stamps and Singer would be around the 11th of April, but wasn’t there supposed to be a second Skype interview for those who were interviewed via Skype several weeks ago and are still considered candidates for the Stamps Scholarhsip?</p>

<p>Did everyone else just give up?</p>

<p>Just wanted to give some insight since there’s not a lot of information on the Stamps Scholarship.</p>

<p>I was awarded the Stamps Scholarship-- I went to the weekend in early March. I found out about being awarded the Singer scholarship and being a Stamps scholar the Friday after the weekend. Within 2 weeks, the Stamps Foundation contacted me for a Facetime interview. I found out about the Stamps Scholarship the day of the interview (which coincided with ivy day, if anyone remembers the exact date?) by a phonecall from President Shalala an hour after my interview.</p>

<p>My stats aren’t that impressive compared to others here, but I’ll list them for reference:
SAT: 2190 (1530) super scored
ACT: 34
SATII (math II): 750, SAT II (chem): 800
GPA: 97, weighted (no 4.0 scale at my school)</p>

<p>ECs: In all honors societies (2 leadership positions), strong background in chemistry, 2 summers of research internships (over 250 hours), volunteer in the community (between hospital and other sources, totals about 100 hours)</p>

<p>Honestly, I have no idea how they chose scholarship recipients, especially since everyone seemed so qualified. I think a lot of it is draw of the luck. Hope this helps put things in perspective/provides insight for some of you out there! I know it’s frustrating trying to piece together information just from rumors.</p>