Singer/Stamps Award Decisions

<p>Thanks for posting your stats. How would you rate your interviews?</p>

<p>My first interview was ehh-- it was shorter (only about 25 minutes) compared to my other interviews for other schools/programs, which averaged at least 45 minutes. I was very nervous and intimidated by my interviewee, but the interview was like a back and forth conversation. I felt like we talked a lot more about the merits of the school than we did about my credentials (two students were in the room who were able to give their perspectives on the Foote Fellow/PRISM programs).</p>

<p>My second interview was much better in my eyes, albeit I was much more nervous. We really got into what I wanted to do with my time at UM and my goals in life in general.</p>

<p>I think that I had two things that were important: I showed a strong interest in Miami (they don’t want to give the scholarship to someone who won’t even end up going obviously) and I had a unique/distinct career goal.</p>

<p>Congrats stampsscholar14! It’s an incredible scholarship!</p>

<p>Thanks, @stampsscholar14‌. Congratulations to your awards. </p>

<p>Did anyone else have only a professor during their interview for the Singer?</p>

<p>I wish all of those who received the Singer or Stamps Scholarships the best of luck.
My son was offered the Marta S Weeks Scholarship, but has chose to go elsewhere.
One of his main reasons for not choosing Miami was the offices inability to answer and return phone calls. Hopefully for those who will be going there this is not a reflection on other offices. Passing the buck and never getting an answer to simple questions is not what an 18 year old wants when he/she is deciding on where to spend the next 4 or 5 years of their life.
Thankfully my son had options and chose to go to a major North East University where he is getting a similar scholarship with a few extra’s thrown in.</p>

<p>I wish everyone here the best :)</p>