SJSU Class of 2026 - Regular Decision

I’m sure they will send out an email in a few days. For now it’s through portal. Indeed there was a message earlier in Decemeber to look out for updates in portal during the phase III (mid-Feb to end of Feb)


Any luck for your son? Did he get the update on his portal? I don’t see any update on my son’s portal

My son did not receive an email yet but he got admitted on the portal (Conditional Admit-Self Report).


Gpa pls? And oos or instate

Boy just checked his portal and he is in.

Business Administration - Management
In State/non local
4.0 UW
4.5 W
4.19 CSU GPA
3- AA’s from CC by dual enrollment (Bus Admin/Econ/Social Behavioral Science)
homeschooled through CA charter school

Awaiting SDSU and Cal Poly Slo decisions. (also UCONN)

Admitted so far:
Arizona State U
U of Arizona
U of Denver
U of Utah
U of Colorado Denver
Colorado State U
Northern Arizona U


D accepted
In-state non-local
CSU gpa 2.8
Justice Studies-Criminology

Despite a very tough and stressful (tearful) 10th-11th online learning experience and a late ADHD diagnosis, she’s feeling hopeful, excited and confident.


Happy about your D’s admission Online was not easy for many snd I admire her resilience

Son Conditional Admit-Self Report SJSU

Computer Science

In State/local ( live in East San Jose )
3.4 UW
3.8 W


UMass Amherst
Penn State (University Park)
Arizona State University
Michigan State
Los Angeles state university

Denied :no_good_man:
CSULB (eligible for redirection. Beginning in early April)

He was afraid he will not get accepted because his gpa was to low, I convinced him to apply for school out of state. He want to stay in California.
Waiting for Results for Calpoly Pomona and SDSU.


Good luck with Cal poly

Conditional Admit-Self Report SJSU

Major: Advertising
Instate Non local

UW: 3.83
CSU Capped: 3.97


Just checked portal or got email?

Conditional Admit-Self Report SJSU

Major: International Business
UW: 3.9+ (unsure, could be higher)

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Got email or just checked portal?

Well, I’m a happy idiot. After consoling my daughter on the high impacted #s that put SJSU out of reach for her, she decided to check her portal anyway and discovered she was admitted! We are grateful she applied to Software Engineering instead of Comp Sci (as I’d thought she had), but it does sadden me other kids didn’t get in simply by flipping those choices.

Major: Software Engineering
In-state, Non-local
UW: 3.95
CSU GPA: 4.25
Math GPA: 4.75

(I calculated the GPA’s and not sure I did it correctly)


Son got an email just now and checked. He is in!




My S22 was accepted to the software Engineering program yesterday. He checked his portal, no email notification.

In-State and Local
CSU UW GPA: 3.77
CSU WC GPA: 4.08
Impaction score: 5,332 (SE requires 4920)
A-G years: 23 (CSU requires 15)
AP classes: 5 total (10 semesters)
College courses: 2 (CC and Stanford Summer Program)

Waiting to hear from UCs, SDSU and Cal SLO.

I hope similar results to all your kids!


OK decision seems to be out. My daughter got into CS (1st major of her choice). Very happy about it as this is one of the hardest major to get in.

UW GPA: 3.96
W GPA (capped): 4.3
W Uncapped: 4.5

Given the vagaries of UC, esp the strange mail from Berkeley, will enjoy SJSU CS for the time being.


Maybe only for the admitted and high stats??
I dont see any update

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So happy for her. Mine did CS. Husband did his Masters from SJSU, he’s happy to see the admit letter