So I think I blew my chances of getting into Tech...

<p>My transfer application was accepted and I hope to attend this coming Fall semester, but I just got my final grade for my Calc 2 class. It ended in a measly C for a 4 credit course. I messed up on the last unit of series and sequences, a bit on the polar graphing and on the final exam. The rest of my grades are fine.</p>

<p>Fall Semester GPA: 3.5</p>

<p>Engineering: A, 3 credits
English: A, 3 credits
Calc: C, 4 credits
Physics: B, 5 credits
Psyc: B, 4 credits</p>

<p>So my GPA will probably be a 3.27~ now. Still higher than they're recommended minimum, but not as pleasing...
So think my acceptance will be revoked because of my one blunder?</p>

<p>Depends upon your transfer. If you were transferring from CC with a guaranteed admission to VT Engineering then you may have a problem. The auto admit, I believe, requires better than a “C” in all math and science courses. If you are a regular transfer I’m guessing you are still ok. I have no basis for my assumption though. Good luck.</p>

<p>If things haven’t changed much since I transferred in, you should be fine. I went through the same thing 3 years ago, but they told me as long as my GPA didn’t drop significantly (like a 3.9 to 2.5 drop) and didn’t get any grades below Cs I should be fine. I ended up getting a C (or maybe more, don’t remember), my GPA dropped from a 3.5 to 3.0, but I had no problems.</p>

<p>If you want to really be sure, just call admissions. I told them my situation and they confirmed what I said above and what can be found online.</p>

<p>I’m transferring from VCU to VT engineering so it may be a problem. But thanks for the feedback. It’s reassuring. I’m going to wait for my official grades to be released before calling.</p>