So you can say the N word on the Disney Channel?

<p>I was watching that movie "The Color of Friendship," which is one of my favorite movies - but was surprised that the almighty dictatorship known as Disney didn't ditch the word for the broadcast version.</p>

<p>I do not remember any n words in that movie. I remember they used “Cather.”</p>

<p>They said it right, twice, when Piper asked what “bantu” meant.</p>

<p>why would they bleep it? it’s supposed to be a really emotional, difficult scene, for both the characters and the audience. </p>

<p>that said i hate that disney only busts out this movie in february. token much?</p>

<p>I love that movie. I watched it today, actually. Yeah, I’m surprised they kept it, but also relieved, as bleeping it out or cutting out that scene would take away from the message of the movie. It’s is one of Disney’s better movies.</p>

<p>Most of today’s Disney movies have such lame themes…and sometimes none at all.</p>

<p>That said, I agree with you, egolikestomach, they should bring this movie out more often.</p>

<p>I find it funny they bleep it half the time on AMC and half the time they don’t. Think it was AMC, could have been FX or TBS or something.</p>