SOAR Tackles Challenges during Campus Construction

<p>SOAR</a> tackles challenges during campus construction (June 2, 2009)</p>

<p>Another SOAR link <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>For parents eating lunch at Liz Waters on the second day - be sure to try the Fudge Bottom Pie!</p>

<p>Then be sure to walk off all of those calories!</p>

<p>That’s a given, with Parking Lot 17 near Engineering, the Social Science building on Observatory, campus walking tour, dinner at Lowell, evening at the Chazen, and back up Bascom Hill to the Liz Waters dorm - all on Day 1.</p>

<p>A day permit to park in Lot 17 is $8 (this is the recommended lot for SOAR parking). BUT be sure to properly display the permit inside your car or you may be ticketed $40. I found this out the hard way when I received the citation almost 2 weeks later in the mail. When I called to talk about the citation, I was told to mail in an appeal, and that they are being lenient with SOAR people. The strange thing was, there was no ticket on my windshield. The explanation for that was some people take tickets off windshields, and put them on their own cars so they don’t get ticketed!</p>