Somewhat Unique Situation

Hello, I transferred to Baruch College for the Fall 2015 semester. I plan on majoring in accounting, however, Baruch College is making it difficult for me to graduate on time.

I am considered a junior at Baruch College. I calculated how long it would take in order to finally graduate with my first bachelor’s degree and I have come to a conclusion that I would be 25 years old by the time that happens.

Baruch College has a placement exam called COMPASS for mathematics. I, of course, did terribly on that exam and was placed in a CSTM course, which is a remedial algebra course. My reasoning as to why I did terribly was due to the fact that during the time of that exam, I was going through finals week at my previous school.

I plan on taking the CLEP Calculus I exam as a back-up plan. But, I’m someone who likes to have multiples of plans. I am unable to take any other classes because (a), I already took those courses or (b), there is a pre-calculus or calculus pre-requisite that must be met before enrolling for that specific course.

Another thing that makes it extremely tough is how the mathematics department said that I may absolutely not take any math courses at another school to have it transferred over.

So, I’m pretty much stuck and not looking forward to graduating at 25 with my first bachelor’s degree. By 25, I would hope to have a decent full-time job and hopefully married and having children by then.

Basically what I’m asking for is advice, feedback, insights, etc. Anything that can help.


There are sooooo many Baruch students who graduate around age 25. You are not alone. I’ve heard that graduating late is also somewhat beneficial because it allows for more internships during the time you’re in school. It’s not like you will ONLY be going to school. You can build up your resume with those internships while you work towards your accounting degree. By the way, I know this is obvious but in case you haven’t, make sure to consider summer and winter classes to help finish asap.