son is scared to go away to school - what to do?

<p>If money is not an issue and he can go to both schools for a comparable financial contribution from you, let your son decide what’s best for him. </p>

<p>If he goes to the school you want, and does poorly, he will blame you- maybe forever. </p>

<p>If he goes to the school he wants and does well, then he gets a much-needed boost to his self esteem that he knows and trusts himself to make decisions he’s happy with. </p>

<p>I tell my kids all the time, I can live with my mistakes because the decisions that lead up to those mistakes were exclusively mine. In my life some of the most bitter people I’ve encountered were those who did things to satisfy someone else’s (usually a family member’s) needs or wants.</p>

<p>Independence is a gift, one we should try -when possible and no danger is involved- to share with our kids.</p>