Sophomore Standing?

<p>I'm part of the incoming freshmen this year, but while I was browsing hokiespa I found out I hold sophomore standing. I know this means I currently have over 30 credits, but asides that I don't know the difference between a sophomore and freshman. Are there any benefits to having a sophomore standing. My friend who goes to another college says they have priority on class registering. Is there anything similiar at vt?</p>

<p>yea you have priority over anyone with less credits than you when it comes to course request. Exceptions being athletes and people with special needs. Having those credits will help when it comes to getting your classes for spring semester 2011.</p>

<p>It’ll also make it easier if you’re looking for internships. Rather than being stuck completely with “I’m a freshman,” you get to smile and say “Well, It’s complicated…” and then explain. </p>

<p>+1 for the better course request. You’ll also get a boost on top of that if you’re in Honors.</p>

<p>No help for football tickets, though. Junior status is something like 70 or 72, so you’ll probably hit that soon.</p>

<p>No, it won’t help at all for internships. “On, you’ve been in college for less than a year? You’re a freshman”</p>

<p>And what class you are doesn’t have anything to do with football tickets, other than freshman (including yourself) can’t buy them and have to enter the lottery. </p>

<p>I think it will help you somewhat with registering for classes though, and obviously it helps since you’re ahead of the game a bit and can get out of taking some intro classes.</p>