(Sorry, but) Chances?

<p>I've already applied to a handful of schools but I just found out about SUNY at Binghamton and I was wondering if I had a good chance or if I should just save the application fee.</p>

<p>Out of state (California) URM Female</p>

<p>About a 3.7W(Low, I guess) GPA
One D but I repeated it for an A. Two Cs on my record but generally an A/B student.
Getting B+/A- so far during senior year. Taking AP Government and AP Spanish.</p>

M600 W700 CR800
Lit 700 US Hist 740</p>

US Hist 5. Plan on taking Spanish, Economics, Government and maybe English. </p>

<p>ECs: Nothing special. I've had a part time job for over a year. Played guitar for 6 years. Not much volunteer work besides a few (15 or so) hours of political phone banking and stuff.</p>

<p>lol if you live in cali, DO NOT GO TO BING</p>

<p>I think the deadline is passed. That and the fact that applications are up by about 50% this year, might work against you.</p>

<p>Call about the deadline, the official deadline is pretty late but last year they moved it up because there were just way too many apps.</p>

<p>Bings apps are due the 31st. . . I THINK
Did you apply to UCLA or UC Berkeley?
If you get in those schools. . . no point flying across the nation</p>

<p>Of course I wouldn’t go there if I got into Berkeley. But I’m just looking for some OOS backups because admissions is way tighter here in California as well.</p>

<p>i suggest about 40 other OOS schools to use as backup before bing from cali</p>

<p>binghamton is a very good school and an excellent value for out of staters. being from calif could help your admissions chances since so few apply from there.</p>

<p>but you really need to think about whether it would be a good choice for you.</p>

<p>binghamton is about 3-3 1/2 hours from NYC. getting to and from binghamton from sacremento will not be easy or inexpensive. binghamton is cold and gets quite a bit of snow. it has a relatively low percentage of out of staters, and most of them are from new jersey and other nearby states. its recent high ranking as a value for OSS may change that a little, but probably not a lot. most students at binghamton are dealing with the upstate versus downstate culture differences. </p>

<p>if you decide to apply, get your application in asap. but absolutely do not decide to attend without visiting first – and if you wait to visit until after you are accepted – don’t let a sunny day fool you – they somehow manage to schedule accepted student days on nice sunny spring days – but they are NOT typical for binghamton – it rains a lot – except when its cold and it snows.</p>

<p>^amen, amennn</p>

<p>Well, my first choice college out of all that I applied to (Besides Berkeley, but that’s really unattainable, I think) is University of Rochester. So I’ve already committed myself to upstate New York, and the weather. Huge culture differences? I didn’t think the people would be THAT much different than here. Two blue states and all. I guess I’m living under a rock.</p>

<p>have you visited u of rochester? do you really have a handle of what the weather is like there? just make sure you really understand what winters are like there so you are not in for a rude surprise.</p>

<p>fyi – rochester is a much bigger city than binghamton. u of r would also attract a more geographically diverse student body since it is a private college.</p>

<p>I’ve never visited Rochester, but I’m trying to mentally prepare myself for the weather. It’s not like I’ve never been to the snow before. I just figure that if the rain or snow get too bad I’ll just stay inside. Sacramento Weather has its downsides as well. </p>

<p>It’s funny, the school I’m planning on if Rochester doesn’t work out is UC Santa Cruz.</p>

<p>I would suggest you visit now, in the middle of winter. I went to college in Rochester. They actually published a photo of the sun in the newspaper, to remind people what it looked like. Snow is measured in feet, not inches. You might re-think California.</p>

<p>have you seen this? [University</a> of Rochester: Eastman Quad Web Cam](<a href=“http://www.rochester.edu/aboutus/chapelwebcam.html]University”>http://www.rochester.edu/aboutus/chapelwebcam.html)</p>

<p>as you’ll see there is quite a bit on the ground, but they do a good job of clearing things since they are used to dealing with snow there.
take a look over the next couple of days – there’s supposed to be a lot of snow coming in tomorrow. peak in every so often between now and when you need to decide where to attend – snow once in a while is one thing. if you aren’t used to it, an entire winter covered in it can get to be much – and realize winter can start in october and run well into march.</p>

<p>both binghamton and rochester are great schools – i don’t mean to discourage you – i just urge you to know what you would be getting yourself in to.</p>