South Korea Schools Admissions Thread for Students


I’m currently a high school senior applying for colleges and I (along with many other students) are interested in schools in South Korea. We come from a Vietnamese background and live in America. What are my chances with: a 3.5 GPA, 26 ACT score, 1210 SAT score, captain of a sport, and president of a club, and recommendation letters from 5 teachers and 1 vice principal? I am open to many schools but schools especially near Seoul such as: Seoul National University, Konkuk University, Sungkyunkwan University, Yonsei University, and Korea University.

I also plan to major in psychology so please let me know if there are any other schools in Korea that specializes in psychology. Thank you and good luck!

Welcome to CC!

I have absolutely no insights on universities in Asia, but I am curious and I was hoping to ask you a question. How did you decide to go to college in South Korea specifically?

I haven’t met too many American high school students who decided to go to university abroad, especially in a non-English speaking country, and I am just curious what motivated that decision. If you don’t mind sharing =)

Hello @b@r!un :smiley:

I decided to go because I lived 18 years in the same place and wanted to explore soemthing new. I was highly debating between college in Japan or Korea but decided Korea because I have family and wanted to expand on psychology there since their psychology field is still very narrow.

Personally, I’m a very adventurous person and my parents don’t like that because they are immigrants themselves and know how hard it could be hence they tend to baby me. I wanted to learn how to be independent by moving far far away basically somewhere that is nothing like home. It’s a crazy decision but I hope it helps you!

Do you know how to speak korean?

If you cannot fluently speak Korean you have very few choices. Yonsei UIC is your best bet, but it does not have the major you want in its current state. Also, when applying to these schools you need a lot more time as an intl student to get papers done that can take months to complete. If you are 100% dead set on doing undergrad in Korea then either 1) take some time to do officiated classes and become fluent to join any uni or 2) try to find an alternate major at Yonsei UIC or 3) study abroad in Korea at some point cause it’s honestly a lot more fun and a lot easier than being a full-time foreign student.
Any questions about Yonsei UIC go to uicyoulater on tumblr