Specific UC Institution & American History Requirements?

<p>I'm looking at the end of the IGETC under Additional Requirements: Area C and it states:</p>

<p>The UC Bound student should be aware of the American History and institution requirements at the campus of choice. Requirements do vary. </p>

<p>Anything I should be aware of? </p>

<p>I'm looking at UCLA, UCB as my top choices...also UCI.</p>

<p>(Anthro major)</p>

<p>no? yay? maybe?</p>

<p>i say nay- sounds like a csu thing.</p>

<p>“CSU Graduation Requirement, in U.S. history, constitution and american ideals: Not part of IGETC. May be completed prior to transfer.” I am taking Political Science Honors right now, but it is for my A.A. requirement, not UCLA.</p>

<p>Yes, requirements do vary. Not to worry, assist.org is your friend. Be sure to verify that whatever AHI courses you plan to take at your CC will sastisfy the requirement(s) at their school.</p>

<p>Cal requires one American Cultures requirement that typically is only offered at Cal. However there are some CC’s that may meet this requirement prior to transferring. However one of the great things about Cal is how liberal they are when it comes to requirements. For instance I formed a petition to add a History course unlisted as American cultures added to that list. After signing a few simple forms and speaking with the dean of my major I was able to satisfy my AC requirement, gained four upper dif units AND satisfied my majors history requirement all in one easy class. Three birds with one stone. So… I suggest working the system because Berkeley’s system is easily workable. haha.</p>

<p>Cal requires an American History and Institutions course, although it doesn’t have to be completed at a CCC. It just has to be completed before graduation. I fulfilled it by accident by taking Political Science 1 at CCSF, which was meant to be a CSU requirement. :wink: IGETC won’t tell you exactly which class at your school fulfills this requirement, but if you go to Assist.org, search for your CC and then UC Berkeley, you should see under the Majors drop down menu “Information - American History and Institutions Requirement.”</p>

<p>It is pretty easy to meet the AC requirement at Cal if you are in Letters & Science. It seems every L&S major has at least one upper division AC class each semester.</p>