Stamps and Nordenberg Scholarships

Congratulations! My D22 is advancing as well!! Super excited

Hi @abw92 , I hope your son had a great experience and interview at Pitt recently on his interview day. My D22 felt that it went very well, and she thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of the candidates that were there with her at her session, as well as meeting current scholars. She said she liked everyone! She really loved the whole day. Perhaps our kids met!

For future students and parents, the follow up email received said that things will move rapidly now that all candidates have had their interview day. The finalists will be hearing as soon as tomorrow (mid Feb.) until March 1. Possibilities are: Stamps finalist, being considered for Nordenberg, and no longer being considered.

Good luck to any semi-finalists who may read this!

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S22 actually decided not to continue on in the process and declined the interview a few weeks ago. Best of luck to your daughter wherever she lands

Thank you. Best of luck to your son

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D22 just learned she’s a Stamps Finalist!! Beyond thrilled!!!

Just to finish out this thread, D22 is a Stamps Scholar!!! So grateful and amazed that this has happened. Beyond proud and excited for what is in store for her!

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My daughter has just become a Stamps Scholar as well! University of Arizona!


Congratulations!! Amazing!!

Thank you! Congratulations to yours as well!

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Hi Winky, I could really use your help! I was just notified that I was accepted to do the first wave of the interview, and would love your help to
prepare! how did your daughter prepare for the interview? what sort of questions were asked?

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@jinxyscarlett , Congratulations! I’m assuming your first interview is for the Pitt Stamps Scholarship? Please read the recent post I just replied to you. That’s my advice! Mock interviews, know yourself, your goals, aspirations, why Pitt, and don’t hold back! Do this!

Yes I am! Thank you for the advice it will be so helpful!! Thank you very very much!


Best of luck. Prepare thoroughly so when you have the interview, you are calm and ready. They’ve already chosen you to get to know better!

Was your daughter interviewed a second time after the February Pittsburgh interview? I’ve read that they can do a second interview with the Stamps Scholarship representatives!


Did you have your first zoom interview?

I have my first interview on 11/20, I am just nervous about this process! competition is high and the timeline is long :slight_smile:

Try not to think of the big picture. Rather, try to think of what you will accomplish in this next step. The goal in the zoom interview is not to get a full scholarship. The goal is to get to the next round of in person interviews. See the difference? Best of luck to you.