Stamps and singer

<p>VHFather, agree on the weekend activities. I think Miami makes their scholarship weekend more about the academics and not about the fun. Personally, I think it would be a good idea if Miami had the kids stay with students. That is what most of the other schools did. But in the end, D ended up choosing Miami, and same, she thinks it is the perfect fit.</p>

<p>I have the option to stay with a girl I know who goes there, to see what it’s all about. Would it be way too much packed into a weekend if I did that the night between the 2 scheduled days?</p>

<p>^ I think you would be fine, and it would be fun to stay with your friend. I just wouldn’t plan on going out to any parties or anything.</p>

<p>My son was also accepted to participate in the Stamps/Singer competition. His brother is currently in his 2nd year at Umiami. We have been to the school a few times. We are planning on staying at the Holiday Inn - which is across the street from campus and you can easily walk there as well. The Hotel is nothing spectacular, but is reasonable and fine for us. </p>

<p>We are looking forward to this weekend… and looking forward to spending time my other son who currently attending.</p>

<p>Good Luck to everybody!!!</p>

<p>“The Stamps Scholarship Weekend on March 2-3, 2012 has reached capacity. RSVPs for the program are now closed.” D: … and I had really gotten my hopes up for this.</p>

<p>^^ does anyone know if there’s anything I can do to still be considered for the scholarship?</p>

<p>Was your D invited to the other Singer weekend? If not, which scholarship was she awarded?</p>

<p>No just the march 2-3 weekend, and the 24k scholarship</p>

<p>So, you’re saying she was invited to the Singer/Stamps weekend, but when she went to RSVP, it said the program was full? If so, I’d call Cristi Busto first thing Monday morning. Doesn’t seem right that they’d invite more than they could accomdate - if they invite 100 people, then they have to be able to accomodate 100 people.</p>

<p>I would have thought the same thing too, that there would be room for everyone invited, but when the U uploaded the 2012 Stamps and Singer Scholarship Weekend websites the week before the email invites went out, I noticed immediately that it does read:</p>

<p>“Please keep in mind that to ensure an intimate program experience space for the program is limited, and we will no longer accept RSVPs once the program has reached capacity.”</p>

<p>I’m thinking that Zinc has given you the perfect answer - (as he always does!) - a call to Cristi is the best course of action : )</p>

<p>Aw shucks…
I’d hate to think something as important as a shot at the Stamps or Singer would follow an “early bird gets the worm” rule…<br>
It’s about a $62,000 bump over 4 years if you snag the Singer and more like $80,000 for Stamps - where I come from, that’s a lot of coin!</p>

<p>It is weird that they cannot accommodate everybody invited, but the fact that they can’t is clearly stated in the e-mail and/or on the RSVP page. I almost held off RSVP’ing, but I’m glad I didn’t…</p>

<p>Best of luck to you in getting something figured out, as this is a huge opportunity and would be a shame to miss.</p>

<p>We held off on RSVPing until we were sure we would be able to make it :frowning: But, we emailed Cristi, and we’ll call first thing Monday. Hopefully it will all work out, and we’ll be able to see you all there! Thanks for the advice :)</p>

<p>bigcitydreams - do keep us posted as to whether you were able to speak with admissions about getting in even tho the RSVP site was closed. </p>

<p>Also, dug out my D’s paperwork from last year and it had the same phrase “…space is limited and once capacity for the program is reached RSVP’s will no longer be accepted…”. I hadn’t recalled seeing that - or thinking about it - probably because my D responded within minutes to the RSVP link. For us, the decision to attend was a nobrainer!</p>