Status of Review Students

<p>Yes, my son received the same email today. He is 5 away from top quarter(out of like 800 in his class). He meets the auto admit criteria in every other way and applied in September. :(</p>

<p>Just to let you guys know, I was a review student who just got Blinn Teamed. I applied in August, but I didn’t hear until Febuary 20th. GPA-3.6, multiple AP classes, 28 ACT, and 27% percentile.</p>

<p>My Howdy changed today to full admit business. I am a review student with an 1870 SAT, 27 ACT with a rank of 76/550 and lots of ECs and volunteer hours</p>

<p>Kinda dumb question but it’s not too late to change majors if you’re still on step 3 right? :o</p>

<p>I don’t believe you can change major once you have progressed to Step 3. On the AIS page where it shows your major it says ** “Request for change of major is not allowed once a file progresses to step 3.” I guess you could call them and verify.</p>

<p>@fullbacker that’s weird i didn’t see that on my page. But i just went ahead and changed my 2nd choice to 1st choice haha.</p>

<p>Got gateway this morning! So excited and so thankful:)</p>

<p>My son is a review applicant. His manage my app changed to the whoop! You werenadmitted to GEST-BAC.
Do you know what this means?</p>

<p>His howdy is still in stage 3.</p>

<p>BAC seems to be the level for freshman students. You’re son is a full admit like me. Mine said BAC-BUAD for business</p>

<p>I think the BAC is for Bachelor’s. GEST usually stands for General Studies.</p>

<p>Congratulations, brettkittken, Ialex90, THEHUNTDOG, and Texasgirl95!!! Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>I was offered PSA!
3.5 UW GPA
SAT Composite: 1290
Rank: Top 26.8% (Pretty competitive high school)</p>

<p>I was SO close to auto admit, haha.</p>

<p>I guess I’ll put stats
I was given full admission
SAT composite 1270
ACT 27
Rank: Top 14%</p>

<p>congrats to everyone on their admissions! we are still waiting… But one thing I will say is that I disagree with many posts in other threads that they ONLY look at rank and GPA. Clearly, that is not the case because there have been students given full admission and those with similar stats given Blinn, PSA ,or Gateway. So, I think that makes it very clear that they look at the whole picture (for review admits anyways) How challenging your courses were, your ec’s, your essays. That is the only thing still giving us hope!! I just hope she gets an answer soon so she can move forward.</p>

<p>Just wanted to thank everyone who is part of the support for the big wait for A&M, the
encouraging words and stats…</p>

<p>Alright guys, I just got deferred to Blinn TEAM for A&M today. I am a senior.
Applied to ChemE as first major and PetE as backup.
Turned in application on 10/3/2012.</p>

<p>Here are my stats:</p>

<p>Race: Asian
GPA:4.2/5.0 weighted or 3.5/4.0 unweighted
Class Rank: 224/923 at the time of application. Now 186/935.
SAT: 590 CR, 730 Math, 600 Writing. 1320 Composite. Took it three times with the same score every single time.</p>

<p>I go to Seven Lakes High School.
Very competitive Texas school located in Katy, Texas.</p>

<p>Was on the Academic Decathlon team for two years. Both years making top 5 at state.
UIL Academic Math and Number Sense team for three years. Multiple great state runs.
Involved in NHS, SOS (Spartans Out Serving), Mu Alpha Theta, Technology Student Association, Chinese Culture Club, Quizbowl, and Environmental Club.</p>

<p>Classes and grades:</p>

<p>Was in any PreAP and AP classes available to me. Made mostly A’s and B’s, a couple C’s.
My secondary courses are as rigorous as you can ask for.</p>

<p>AP exam scores so far:
World History-3
US History-4
Language and Comp-2
Chinese Language-5</p>

<p>Will be taking more AP exams this coming May.</p>

<p>Courses taking as of right now:</p>

<p>AP Environmental Science
AP Computer Science 1
AP Literature
AP Statistics
AP Calculus BC
AP MacroEconomics/AP Government (one semester each)
Academic Decathlon (season just ended couple days ago, SLHS placed 7th in state)</p>

<p>As many can see, I am very involved and diligent in everything I do. Yet I got deferred to Blinn TEAM. I am quite disappointed in this event and I can only blame myself for this happening. Also, I was CAP-ed from UT. The only regret I have was my Critical Reading score on the SAT. I needed 10 more points and I just could not make the 600 I needed for academic admit. And now I have only myself to hate. Honestly, after three tries of getting the same score, anyone would get discouraged.</p>

<p>I was following this post in hopes of making it, but this was not to be. Good luck to anyone else out there!</p>

<p>Still waiting here as well. This is incredibly stressful as her sister (a senior at A&M) found out in November about her acceptance. Have people received Gateway notifications yet? Have people been turned down yet?</p>

<p>Rampant, I am sorry you’re disappointed. Those are fantastic stats, you should be very proud of your accomplishments. Chin up, you will do well and probably transfer early. Get some advising directly from the engineering department.</p>

<p>Rampant, I agree with cromette. With those stats I have no doubt you can excel at Blinn and transfer in. Don’t give up on your dream so easily. And I understand the frustration. My D took the act 4 times and scored a 28 every single time! keep your head up and keep working hard.</p>

<p>Rampant, I understand your frustration with missing admission by 10 points on CR. I think it has been a very competitive year. There is a non Asian kid on the UT boards who was CAP’d with an SAT of 2350 and 10 APs with one 4 and 5s on the rest, because of a low class rank. So, relax and enjoy your life. It is not like the Blinn Team courses show up on your transcript as lower scaled Academic courses on your college transcript.</p>