<p>Looking back, I realize now that there were so many ways I could have strengthed my application. So what are the rules of updating our applications for the RD round? Can we change our application? Revise our essays? Send in supplemental recommendations?</p>
<p>Hope so... I know exactly what I would change. However, I doubt they'll let us change the application. I'm pretty sure you are allowed to <em>add</em> to the application (by means of addendums).</p>
<p>If things progress as they did last year, both Ben Jones and [url=matt.mitblogs.com]Matt McGann<a href="and%20possibly%20this%20year%20%5Burl=nance.mitblogs.com%5DBryan%20Nance%5B/url%5D%20as%20well">/url</a> will post lengthy and helpful entries on their blogs in the next week or so talking about what deferred applicants can do to add to their original application. Watch their blogs for more information.</p>
<p>^-ACE FRLY, haha. Thanks troll.</p>
<p>I only sent in the required 2 teacher recommendations during EA- I think I will try to find some more recommendations that would help the MIT admissions people better understand who I am.</p>