Still waiting for early action decision

Just got deferred from Harpur.

When u guys post your deferrals is it okay for you to post the school that you applied to? and your stats if possible :frowning:

Welp, just got deferred SOM

just got deferred from SOM :frowning:

amazing that admissions swore it was random as far as who was notified in december (all acceptances) and who was not. not nice

this is so messed up

the admissions office was not random and did not save the defferals for last. they didn’t even review our applications, because the status of mine earlier was still “ready for review.” i believe they had too many applicants, because based on people i know that have already gotten in, this does not make sense

@jms1997, what are you saying? that they went through the pile and when they reached their max amount of EA acceptances, deferred everyone else? I doubt that’s true.

They probably want to see who will accept the offer from the earlier batch of acceptances. Trying to game the system I see…

@nymom64 compare those who were accepted stats to those on this thread deferred. i know several december acceptances with lower gpas and sat scores than those of this thread. i also read that they had the most early action applicants this year. i’m not saying this is true, but its a reasonable explanation

@jms1997 i agree. Yesterday at 9 my guidance counselor called and they said they hadn’t even looked at my application and that it had “randomly” been put in the last pile. at 10 my mom called me and said i had decision made. and everyone who happened to get decision made yesterday was deferred? doesn’t make sense.

except it’s EA and most won’t give deposit until they receive decisions from all colleges they applied to. they don’t have to.

anyone else still waiting for email? waiting to see if daughter has been deferred or denied.

Deferred harpur gpa 3.7 ACT 31

Doesn’t help Binghamton’s stats if they randomly review applications and accept those with lower scores over those with higher ones. I know yield is important but would think such haphazard admission process would effect stats.

Deferred from Harpur as well.
1850 sat
brother currently attends Binghamton

Actually, they do wait to see who accepts the offers. Most kids from my school applied EA to bing as well as ED to ivies/top colleges, gotten in, and withdrew their apps.

If they withdrew their apps then why no acceptances and only deferrals today???

Deferred and disappointed but admissions seems a little sketchy. Last year there were many ea deferred kids that got accepted two or three weeks later. I think the two possible scenarios are 1) Admissions didn’t have time to review all ea applications or 2) Binghamton knows they have a pretty low yield and they are waiting to see how many students actually enroll

It’s okay everybody! My counselor says that RD is much easier to get into apparently…