Still waiting for early action decision

The email says no additional materials are required. I can still send updated scores right?

Deferred from Harpur:( in state 92 weighted average 1940 sat and my mom went there. Really hoping I get in RD as its my #1 :frowning:

deferred from harpur :-/

this school really sucks to wait a month only to tell people they got deferred… not how I would have done it

I wish I had my daughter’s password so I could check her email. She hasnt returned my calls. Does not sound promising.

Has anyone else received no e-mail at all? D’s status has said “Decision Made”, but no e-mail yet. School is Harpur.

Im on the same boat as you, but at this point im just expecting a defferal. Good luck to you though!

No email for my daughter either - she applied to Watson

Deferred to SOM 1360 (M&CR), 2040 overall. 3.75 weighted gpa. I believe the weakness was not taking any AP courses until senior year . She is taking 5 now. She took several honors courses however. And she had a lot of good extra-curricular activities with leadership positions in some. I know Bing SOM looks heavily on rigor of academic courses and if AP courses are offered during soph and jr years they should be taken (and need to do well in them,). I think that is lesson learned for us.

Deferred to SOM 1420 (M&CR), 2100 overall. 3.85 weighted gpa.

I’m so tiiiiiiigggggghhhhhhhtttttt. Binghamton played us

Did you get an email or an actual mail telling you you’re deferred?

@myowan email

Im still waiting on an email, but at this point I think as of today its too late for me to get one, so i guess ill hear tommorow

This is kind of shady hearing kids get denied who had over a 2000 on the SAT

Got the email at 4:30. Deferred from Harpur.

everyone from my high school got deferred so far that i know of

2100 Sat, 1400 (R+M), 94 GPA, 3 leadership positions, 2 internships (business + accounting), math team.
Deferred from SOM. Screw this fufu lame shit I got into UMich.

29 ACT / ≈3.7 uw GPA and deferred from Harpur with great recs and amazing ECs.

@hobo65‌ There’s no reason why you shouldn’t get in regular I honesty don’t know what they did with early action this year cause they deferred a lot of kids who had over a 2000 on the SAT and 30 on ACT

And isn’t it weird that they manage to review all the apps within a month? From nov 15-dec 12?