Still waiting for early action decision

@beczhou‌ Perhaps this is mostly a numbers game with Bing separating out the applicants with the higher stats. This could be done quickly if the review is mostly a numbers game instead of a holistic review. I heard that Bing only looks at the unweighted grades in the 5 core subjects (Math, Science, Social Studies, English and language) and then recalculates gpa using its own formula which adds weight for AP classes and Honors classes. So while some people on this thread think that there are some applicants with lower scores who were accepted on December 12 than who were deferred tonight, that may not be the case if Bing recalulates gpa with added emphasis on AP classes and honors.

Does anyone know if the status checker will change back to “Complete and Ready for Review” now that we are deferred so we know when they make the final decision for us? Or will it remain as “Decision Made”…

I think shortly after the 15th, it will update to Decision made: Deferred to RD

Overnight (sometime after 1:00 am) status changed from “Decision made” to “Deferred to Reg Consideration”, but still no e-mail. Anyone else have a status change this morning but no e-mail?

on the status checker my daughters status now includes
Application Status: Decision Made
Decision: Deferred to Reg Consideration

Got my email last night, Deferred for SOM, 1820 sat, 3.7 wgpa…what a waste of time to apply EA. Also naviance is a waste of time too, because it showed on the graph that should have been accepted with my stats being at or above previous acceptances. Those previous acceptances must have been from 1985!

It would be interesting to know the % of EA candidates that were accepted.

@nymom64…if the posts here are any indication, I would have to say probably less than 10%… >:P

I recently got deferred. Is there any advice anyone can give me as to what I should do next? Any comments pertaining to this are much appreciated :slight_smile:

Over 75% of the offers to attend Binghamton are turned down. Don’t you think some of the deferrals are due to them being unwilling to give out offers that might be held by people who ultimately are very unlikely to attend. Last year approximately 42% of the applicants got offers. But of those, only about 21.7% of those accepted the offer. 218 students were accepted off the waiting list. I bet those students were stronger than the average of those who accepted the Binghamton offers. I bet many were viewed by the school as unlikely to take an offer. By wait listing them, school can see which say they are still interested-and therefore lower the chances of giving students offers that they won’t take. When the yield is so low, protecting it may become a priority. By the way, last year the EA acceptance rate was about 44%.

wmlsoc97, this is probably relevant for you! Maybe your stats made you look like you would not go to Binghamton.

Did anyone get accepted today?

@lostaccount‌, according to the facts you’ve posted, it’s time for Binghamton to go ED like Buffalo and Geneseo. A “fictitious” EA process is not fair to the applicants nor does not provide the university much help with their yields or stats. Many applicants go into the process believing their application will be reviewed fairly. Many coming out of this year’s EA Binghamton admissions feel nothing was fair.

@jdjm1313 Well I got into UMich so I’m not sure y Bing didn’t accept me; I’m from NY.
@Greece7896 If you really want to go to Bing, you should send them an email or mail showing your interest in Bing. Also, it said nothing else is required, so that means you don’t send your mid-year report.

I know they don’t want your midyear, but would sending my first quarter grades hurt? I have an upward trend in GPA and had a 4.0 first quarter… I don’t want that to go unnoticed, but at the same time, I don’t want to irritate them if they do not want it…

It wouldn’t hur tto send them extra materials! My counselor recommends that I send my updated SAT scores.

NYmom24, I don’t think that ED would serve Binghamton well. It might have in the old days of Harpur. But I think admissions knows that the number of applicants would go down markedly. How many of the EA applicants are ready to say that Binghamton is their first choice? There is no information about the percent of EA applicants that accepts Binghamton’s offer but, as noted above, overall about 79.3% of the applicants are probably using Binghamton as a safety back-up. That isn’t to say that there are not a large number of students eager to go to Binghamton but the number of early applicants would drop markedly if Binghamton had ED instead of EA.

As someone who graduated from Harpur in the 80’s, I’m not sure what these “old days of Harpur” are. Today’s students, if anything, are more qualified than ever. I think you’re wrong about the “yield protection”. If you look at the stats of the students who were admitted in December on another thread, they are very high. When I visited Binghamton in the spring the admissions officer said the mean SAT of this year’s entering class was 1925. Nearly all of the December admits who posted their stats were well above this. My guess for the recent deferrals is that the admission office got behind. At my school, the most qualified students were admitted and the others deferred so I believe that my school’s EA applications were processed properly, but as reported here all students at other schools were deferred, which would lead me to believe that their applications were not processed and that the obviously qualified students who are posting here will be offered admission over the next few weeks.

I also think that it’s simplistic to suggest that Binghamton’s yield in the low 20’s is only due to student’s using Binghamton as a safety. This is no doubt true in many cases, but often times admitted students don’t enroll because they get an attractive aid offer from another school or they want to attend another school for a particular program, among other reasons.

If it’s true that admission office got behind, why is it acceptable? Applicants applied EA in good faith that they would receive a fair decision by the decision date. Many have stated that their applications and materials were received by Binghamton in October. I hope for future years, Binghamton hires more admission counselors.

It’s not acceptable-you have every right to be angry!

they can hire more admissions officers and raise tuition - it’s a trade off. If my daughter gets in then I hope Binghamton limits hires for the next 4 years at least. :slight_smile: Next year this will be a distant memory. I feel horrible for my kid but she’ll bounce back.

one other thing was that my daughter sent her assigned admissions counselor an email and asked about sending updated grades (she has her 1st two marking periods now) and the admissions counselor told her that Binghamton only looks at the first three years. she’s going to ask her guidance counselor if she should send something anyway.