Still waiting for early action decision

Daughter contacted the admissions counselor for our high school. She received a response that thanked her for expressing her interest, that a deferral was not a decision. She was also told that Binghamton received a large number of quality applications and it is taking them a while longer to make final decisions. Their hope is to give her an answer by the end of March! So much for applying EA.

That is very surprising. They could be way understaffed which is true across the school in general. I am sure that those reviewing applications are being diligent but when the student to staff ratio is twice what it is at other schools, certain things become more difficult to do in a timely manner. This school is very short staffed.

@nymom64 wow thanks for the information!

@lostaccount, while it may be the school is very short staffed many applicants applied EA and many feel that there was not enough staff to review these applications by the January 15th decision date. These applicants applied in good faith and I think the university admissions’ process failed them this year.

OTOH, Binghamton was ranked 8th in the country this year for “most efficient,” and I’ve personally never heard of any major difficulties people had with administration as a student here (some amusing anecdotes, though), so I wouldn’t let this really affect your view of what it would be like here as a student.

Is anyone sending a LOCI?

(Directed at everyone who was deferred)

We did and the response my daughter received is above. IMO, pretty much a “canned” answer. I think we may be moving on to an OSS school who as offered her a generous scholarship.

Hey guys I have a question to anyone who was deferred. What does it say on your status checker as of now? Mine says “Decision Made” but then under decision it says “Under Review”… Is this the same for everyone? Thanks!

NYmom64. I am not disagreeing with you. I did not initially think it was possible that the admissions office simply deferred for expediency sake. Some students count on hearing early to alleviate distress of not knowing if they will be admitted anywhere. Given the angst related to applying, I did not think that would happen. Staffing issues must be pretty dire if they really failed to carefully evaluate all EAs. Did they really say that as the reason? This is confusing because I just read a post from a parent of a student who applied RA in December and was reviewed and admitted. Seems very odd.

@lostaccount‌, nobody knows for certain what happened this year. It was odd that EA acceptances went out mid-December and then most of the remaining EA applicants were deferred right at the January 15th deadline. I just find the admissions counselor saying that Binghamton received a large number of quality applications and it is taking them a while longer to make final decisions a little curious.

“Hey guys I have a question to anyone who was deferred. What does it say on your status checker as of now? Mine says “Decision Made” but then under decision it says “Under Review”… Is this the same for everyone? Thanks!”

(sorry for the re-post, I just had some info to add)

Also a friend of mine still has “deferred to reg” instead of “under review” on her status checker. I am so confused …

The way admissions has disclosed their decisions and the timing of them is definitely puzzling. My son applied regular decision Dec 1 and we found out yesterday he has been accepted. However, even how we found out is not entirely clear. The portal says decision made, and underneath it says undergrad undeclared Harpur, and under that it says interest physics. But nowhere is the actual word “accepted” so it is rather cryptic. The way I confirmed was by logging into the quick pay site which is giving us the option to pay our down payment. He has not yet received an email, nor has anything arrived in the mail. It is odd that folks who applied early action are still unclear about their status while regular decisions are starting to come out. I have not yet seen other regular decisions posted here but I imagine there must be others.

My status is still Deferred to Reg… :confused:

maybe your application is currently being reviewed. my daughters still has:
Application Status: Decision Made
Decision: Deferred to Reg Consideration

Yeah this is really strange because I feel like I’m the only one whose says “Under Review”. For some reason I doubt they would change my status just because they are “currently reviewing” my application. I just feel like that would be a waste of time. Wouldn’t they just change it when they made a decision? Strange… I’m going to check the quick pay now. Do you think this is a good sign?..

Edit: I still can’t log into the quick pay.

Looks like they are going through RD applicants…
I really hope Binghamton doesn’t use deferred students as back ups :confused:

This is so unfair… I feel like deferred students are put at a disadvantage this year…

Maybe you should simply call admissions in the morning and ask about this.

Does anyone know whether or not you need to send in your Mid Year Report if you got accepted to Bing ED? And how do you know?