Still waiting for early action decision

I happened to be on the phone with Binghamton Admissions on another matter today, and the person on the phone said “basically we don’t look at the mid-year report”. And I was asking with regard to a student who was deferred to the regular pool following an ED application, so if they don’t care even for people in the regular pool, then I assume they really don’t care for admitted students. It sounds like they have their hands full this year as it is just reading the frosh-junior year transcripts.

Does anyone who was deferred know if our status will change back to under review? I’m reading posts from last year, and some people never had it change…

Your guidance counselor should know. Stop by his/her office this week and ask.

@nj1818 Mine says “Under Review” now… It’s been like this for over a week too. I am not sure what it means and it’s driving me crazy, haha. I still can’t pay the quickpay so I’m kind of nervous this means I’m not accepted but who knows.

@simuni‌ I’m so confused about the whole process… I plan on calling admissions tomorrow to see if all deferred students will have their status change back to under review.

Can you imagine what it might be like to be a student there. Maybe it is confined to admissions.

shrug I’ve never had any problems there, and neither have any of my friends. I can think of two issues with housing that were off-campus situations. There’s a thread in parent’s forum now with people agreeing with that. I actually found my experience there to be super easy and straightforward there; I was able to double major in three years with zero issues whatsoever. Binghamton was just ranked highly in the list of most efficient schools in the country. I get that people are frustrated but jeez, you don’t even deal with admissions once you’re in.

So do you think staffing problems are confined to admissions?

I can’t really think of any other staffing problems I’ve encountered, so I’d have to say yes., with the caveat that obviously, people will encounter frustrations and imperfections. I’m currently consoling my friend in my grad school cohort who is trying to get a dual degree but due to a mix-up in her paperwork, they aren’t accepting her application despite the fact that she’s thisclose to finishing the second degree. Boooo.

Folks, remember that other than the actual admit/defer decisions this thread only contains conjecture and speculation about what happened. No one got a specific reason from the admissions office other than standard canned responses. Each year, CC has threads like these about Binghamton’s Early Action - this is just how they do it.

I’m a firm believer in Occam’s Razor - which would say that the most likely scenario is that Binghamton allocates X number of spots for early action and once filled, they defer the rest of the applications. What criteria they use is known only to them, but there is no reason to believe that they don’t pick the students that most closely match what they are looking for. That might not be the highest GPA or SAT or number of ECs etc.

In my years of helping my kids apply to colleges (I’m on number four now), I have never seen any evidence of any SUNY rejecting truly elite kids believing that they are only using a SUNY as a safety. How would they know? I’ve known several Ivy accepted kids attend a SUNY school instead.

If anyone from Binghamton is listening, I do recommend that they close the back door method of checking for acceptance and that they have someone post regularly on here like Stony Brook has. Those two actions would likely eliminate a lot of the angst on this thread.

For the record, my son was deferred from the SOM, SAT 1380 3.8 GPA. My daughter was deferred but later admitted two years ago to Harpur with similar stats. Happy as a clam there now and has never seen any evidence of staffing issues.