Still waiting for early action decision

my daugthers status hasn’t budged from "complete and ready for review"since a few days after she applied! This is by far the most frustrating thing…thank god she’s heard from 3 others with acceptances or she’d be a mess! I don’t understand why you wouldn’t send out all the acceptances/deferals at once!!!

@redinhead33, this seems to be the first year Binghamton is doing it this way. We too are waiting. This was my daughter’s first choice (she would have applied ED if given the option) but she received a generous scholarship from an out of state school and is now considering attending there. It’s frustrating as my daughter would like to show her strong interest in Binghamton but doesn’t know if she’s been deferred or worse rejected. Although waiting is never easy, the anxiety of this process would have been considerably less if everyone who applied EA was waiting and not just some.

@nj1818 not necessarily. Since decisions come by snail mail, it could mean that there was an issue sending it to me (or anyone else.)

@nymom64, this is my daugther’s first choice as well. She got accepted to three private universities that all gave
her large merit scholarships so that has taken a little of the sting out of not hearing anything from Binghamton. But I’d bet money, that if she’s accepted, she’ll end up there :smiley:

mine also still says complete and ready to review

would have thought we’d be hearing of some more decisions by now but there seems to be only one post about status change.

Check your email! Just got the official word!

@123987654‌ congrats! when did your status change?

Status has still not changed for my daughter.

i called admissions on tuesday and i was told that tomorrow friday is the day. thats what he said to me.

I’ve been searching on Twitter as well and there were a flurry of posts in December, but nobody has announced an acceptance since the break that I’ve seen.

i called admissions on tuesday of this week and they told me that they were going to release decisions tomorrow FRIDAY 1/09/15…

@nj1818 Status change happened on Tuesday. Email came after 4 today.


Can anyone second him? That’s it’s coming out tomorrow.
So many people lied in another schools post so I’m a little iffy on trusting that statement.

as i said…i called on tuesday and the person who answered the phone at admissions told me that friday they would release decisions…now…he did not clarify if it would be mailed or emailed but he did say Friday 1/09/15 was the day…as if they wont be making decisions next monday or tuesday etc…that is 100 percent the truth what i was told…if it is wrong then all i can say that is what i was told…so tomorrow friday 1/09/15 i will be checking admissions status throughout the day…best of luck to all…

I just spoke to admissions and they are not releasing any decisions today. They will be done by 1/15.

I spoke to admissions too. They said that they are releasing on the 15th.

And the waiting game continues… :-S

As per my Tuesday convo with admission It looks like the final decisions are being made today 1/09/15 BUT they will not release the decision till 1/15/15. I spoke to them on Tuesday and that’s what I was told that the final decisions are made by 1/09/15. Remember…we have seen on this website how the status changed from under “ready for review”…to “decision made”…and then that person was able to get into the pay deposit online section…BUT…the received their acceptance e-mails days later. So I will be checking throughout the day. There has been no rhyme or reason to their process.