Still Waiting on Letter...

<p>I have been reading alot of forums and seeing alot of acceptances. my D applied to Tech in January and has not heard anything yet. I called the school and her letter will go out in the last wave which will be March 26th. She has a 3.2 GPA and an SAT of 1500. Not sure what to think... any thoughts?</p>

<p>Hate to ask this but is that 1500 out of 2400 or out of 1600? My D has a 4.0 and 1960 SAT and we are nervous. We applied in Jan as well and were told we’d be waiting until the 26th as well.</p>

<p>Yeah unfortunately the 1500 was out of 2400. She is an awesome student just does not test well. Really do not know what to think.</p>

<p>I don’t like to do the “Chance” thing, I just don’t know. I’ve heard of people getting in with lower grades and scores and others not getting in with higher. All I can say is good luck and I feel your pain on the wait. Keep us informed, I’m sure this board will be buzzing in a couple weeks.</p>

<p>I got in with a 3.82 GPA and 1670 SAT. I applied January 11th.</p>

<p>1on-might be tough–but good luck</p>

<p>see 2009 Stats below which were copied directly from the VT website</p>



<p>Average SAT: 1250 (1243)*
Mid-50% SAT***: 1160–1330
(SAT scores reflect critical reading and math section scores only)</p>

<p>*Numbers in parentheses include students offered admission from our waitlist. Data in parentheses current as of June 15, 2009. </p>

<p>**This means that 25% of freshmen offered admission to Virginia Tech had below a 3.71 GPA and 25% of freshmen offered admission had above a 4.15 GPA.</p>

<p>***This means that 25% of freshmen offered admission to Virginia Tech scored below 1160 on the SAT (combined critical reading and math) and 25% of freshmen offered admission scored above 1330 on the SAT ((combined critical reading and math). </p>

<p>Please note: These are not minimum requirements for admission to Virginia Tech. </p>



<p>“She is an awesome student just does not test well.”</p>

<p>There’s a popular professor at Virginia Tech named Chang, he tells his students that if they don’t test well, they need to learn to test well. You know that performance in college is evaluated predominantly through series of tests, and professors won’t accept that as an excuse for poor performance.</p>

<p>There is a common joke about VaTech and UVA. VaTech easy to get in, but hard to stay. UVA hard to get in, but easy to stay.</p>

<p>That’s where the testing thing comes in!</p>

<p>Also, a lot will have to do with IS and OOS.</p>