Stop Asking ... Updates Can Be Found Here ...

<p>If you want the most up-to-date information about the releases of Admissions Decisions then you should be reading the Hopkins Insider Blog:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>And before asking "new" questions about when decisions will be released, what time, will e-mails be sent, is there an online system, aaaaahhhhh .... just read the old posts on the blog as well. All the entries in the month of March have important details -- especially the one posted on March 12.</p>

<p>I will continue to update as much as possible the rest of this week, so check the blog!!!</p>

<p>=(, do the research grants for the incoming freshmen come out during this time also via email?

<p>woah sorry to read that you missed 24</p>

<p>Darkhope, if you're talking about the Wilson, I'm not 100% sure, but I helped stuff admissions letters last year and the packet did include letters for Bloomberg, Baltimore Scholar, and Hodson recipients and Westgate finalists</p>

<p>Thanks Daniel! You have been my best friend throughout his whole college process.</p>

<p>Thank you Daniel, and it's great to see another fan of The Riches.</p>

<p>Yea, too bad you missed 24. There was a big terrorist attack plot in the last episode, and Jack Bauer was sweating.</p>

<p>But seriously, thank you so much for all your help this year! We are all looking forward to the end of this process! :)</p>

<p>"There was a big terrorist attack plot in the last episode, and Jack Bauer was sweating."</p>

<p>Bwahahaha, I'm a 24 fan, but I must admit that was a good one!</p>

<p>tys tanman =D</p>

<p>Thanks so much for keeping us updated, Daniel. (: It really means a lot</p>

<p>Updated - check it out
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Again, could someone please copy and paste that. (I hate my ISP. :()</p>

<p>Decision Day Has Arrived - Live Blogging All Day</p>

<p>WE ARE DONE! Well, sort of...</p>

<p>The arduous five month application review process is complete and as of this morning (Wednesday, March 28) the 14,000+ decision notifications have been delivered to the Baltimore postal center. The e-mail decisions will start going out at 5:00 PM EDT -- but please know it could take up to five hours for all the e-mails to be sent. Please refer to my March 12 entry for further information on how we release decisions. [We will not release decisions over the phone!]</p>

<p>As I did last year, I wanted to provide you all a look into the last 48 hours. But there is a new twist -- I will be updating the blog throughout the day (live blogging?) with additions to the time line and pictures. So check back regularly throughout the day and next few days, with a ton of information about the release of decisions.</p>


<p>Tuesday, March 27</p>

<p>12:15 PM - Director of Admissions John Latting emerges from his office and declares that the class is sealed and all the letters are signed and ready to be stuffed. A loud ovation is heard throughout Garland Hall.</p>

<p>12:17 PM - After two minutes of celebrating, the sorting, stuffing, and sealing begins. Financial Aid takes over the basement file room to add their award packages, as the Operations team begins to go through one last roster check confirming final decisions.</p>

<p>5:00 PM - Chinese food arrives. The staff digs in.</p>

<p>5:01 PM - The beverages arrive. Staff washes down the food.</p>

<p>5:03 PM - The pizza arrives. The students volunteers celebrate.</p>

<p>5:03:30 PM - The pizza gone. The students are stuffed.</p>

<p>5:30 PM - The Operations team, counseling staff members, and a cadre of current student volunteers heads downstairs to stuff and seal all the admits packets.</p>

<p>6:20 PM - The affixing of postage commences.</p>

<p>7:32 PM - We are done. In record time! A process that took nearly 5 hours last year, took only two. Wow. The student volunteers, as always, were amazing.</p>

<p>8:02 PM - Uh oh. We need to sort some of the international mailings. Can you say finding a needle in a haystack.</p>

<p>8:31 PM - Actually it was not that difficult. Team work really does work.</p>

<p>9:05 PM - Admissions_Daniel heads home. Colleagues follow hoping for the first good night sleep in weeks.</p>

<p>10:54 PM - Just before heading to bed, Admissions_Daniel posts an update to the Hopkins Insider blog with a very auspicious final picture.</p>



<p>Stay tuned ... more updates to follow ... including the procession of mail bins and our visits to the postal centers ...</p>

<p>Thanks a bunch. :)</p>

<p>Is financial aid info going to be emailed as well? If not, when will it become available online?</p>

<p>Admissions_Daniel, I love how you're so involved in this process. Your efforts are making the wait a little more bearable. You've done an amazing job. I can't wait for the emails!!</p>

<p>AdmissionsDaniel, You and Johns Hopkins are amazing. No one in my entire family could be happier than hearing that S was accepted into Hopkins. I know there are thousands of highly qualified applicants who could not be accepted due to space limitations at colleges like Hopkins. Thank you and the admissions crew for giving my son his chance to shine.</p>

<p>You won't be sorry.</p>

<p>Thanks for the nice comments everyone. I am glad you find the blog and my posts helpful during what can be an extremely stressful time.</p>

<p>Admitted + Hodson's Scholar, I can't wait to meet the rest of the class of 2011!!
GO BLUE JAYS!!!!</p>