Struggling to make my college list

Hi ,

So like a ton of us probably are I’m currently trying to put my college list together. However typical logical eliminators aren’t possible here. I can’t visit , all of them are more expensive then at home (I’m from New Zealand) , I don’t have any family in America etc. I am also madly in love with every school currently on the list. I’m hoping y’all can help me by telling me what schools you would apply to if you were me.

What I want in a college -

  • Great Communications/Journalism/Media program
  • Lots of clubs and ways to get involved
  • I’d love to be in a sorority so that’s a big plus
  • Student Media like radio stations , news sites etc.
  • If not in a city within 3 hours
  • Bonus If I could maybe intern with the athletics department

Colleges -

Texas Christan
Southern Methodist
South Carolina
East Carolina
North Carolina State
South Florida
Florida State
Central Florida
UT Austin
Texas A&M
Louisiana State
Oklahoma State
Ole Miss
Texas Tech
Mississippi State

Thank you all in advance!

Your college list doesn’t seem to meet the “Great Communications/Journalism/Media program” but it looks like you’re looking more for a big state school in the South. The best communications programs are going to be at smaller, private schools. What do your stats look like? You might be missing schools like UNC that have good communications programs but are more competitive.

What type of city are you looking for? Because the schools on your list I wouldn’t consider in “cities”, more like they’re in big towns.

Try and do some virtual tours if you haven’t already to see if you can get a feel for the campuses to cut down. A big thing for me was I didn’t want a school that had a campus so large I had to take a bus to class.

Since you’re international as well, look to see if they offer merit and/or financial aid to international students (if you need it).

Contact the EducationUSA advising center closest to where you live. The counselors there can help you with this process. They are the experts at helping students educated in New Zealand find good places to study here. EducationUSA is a not-for-profit organization. If there are any fees charged, they will be set to be affordable for students, and will go to directly support that office.

Ultimately, where you are admitted won’t matter if you can’t afford to attend, so have the money conversation with your parents. Given the Covid-19 situation, you also should consider the additional costs and headaches of international travel while you are studying. It might not be possible for you to return home every year.

Thank you for replying! My parents will not be involved in the process whatsoever. When I told my mom I wanted to do this she told me to go get ra*ed. The plus side however is I’m 19 so I can do it myself (even if it’s difficult which it will be).

I looked at EducationUsa and there isn’t one anywhere remotely near me. It is good to know they’re available though.

Can you afford US tuitions? If not, you may need to narrow your search to schools that offer substantial financial aid to international students.

This is your most important consideration.

What is your budget?

Not only will there be tuition, room and board, but books, fees, incidentals, mandatory health insurance, and travel to/from New Zealand.