Suffolk Hall

<p>Hi, can any current students tell me what it's like to live in a suite in Suffolk as a freshman? Are there a lot of opportunities to meet other people in the building or do people normally just stay in their room with their suite mates? </p>

<p>Hi! I’m a current freshman who lives in Suffolk Hall. I had not asked to be put in suite style dorms but alas that is where I was placed. In the end, I’m so glad I was placed in Suffolk. My RAs are great and are very open. I share a bathroom with only three other people. I actually don’t talk to my suitemates and I really only interact with my roommate at night. Yes, it’s a little harder to get to know people than in a corridor style but you need to put yourself out there. Go to the weeks of welcome events and your RAs events, knock on other’s doors and introduce yourself, and join clubs that interest you. There’s so many ways to get involved and to know people at Geneseo! </p>